5 Days of Violence Prevention Expert Meeting 14th of May 2014 in Stockholm
Botkyrka Municipality Change Attitude Government Office of Sweden Linköping University Ministry of Education and Research Region Västra Götaland competence center for Intimate Partner Violence Save the Children Solna AIK Stockholm City Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions Swedish Green Party The National Board of Health and Welfare The Nordic Council of Ministers The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority The Swedish Inheritance Fund Commission The Swedish National Agency for Education The Swedish National Police Board Union of Municipalities in Norrbotten Welcome!
Personal reflektions
Four years of FFV-learning Freedom from violence (FFV) a project of The Swedish Inheritance Fund Commission, owned by Men for Gender Equality Knowledge and best practice inventory from feminists and partners worldwide eg. MenEngage Study visits to Boston, New Hampshire and Sioux city, USA Research databases, scientific articles and reports from MenEngage, CDC and WHO
Three reports and conclusions
Experience of serious* violence as a child (0-18 years) NCK (2014) defines serious violence against children as being raped (or attempt to rape) and/or repeatedly being a victim of sexual violence and/or sometimes/often being hit with a fist, hurt with a weapon or similar, and/or often experienced physical violence and/or often experienced threat of physical violence and/or often humiliated, bullied or similar and/or repeatedly seen or heard violence between parents (p. 64)
Suspected for violent crimes Sexual crimesPhysical assault
Point of departure Violence prevention is an urgent and prioritized global issue We want to highlight the importance of violence prevention initiatives on all prevention levels Departing from a youth and gender perspective within this field of work.
Purpose of meeting The purpose of the meeting is to initiate a dialogue focusing on the following three themes: 1.Why do young men use the majority of all violence?Sharing the current state of knowledge in the violence prevention field. 2.How can we prevent young men’s violence? Developing best practice and research based on current knowledge. 3.What future directions for our work is needed?Formulating creative ideas on how to deal with obstacles and use possibilities for strengthening our common work and creating a future without violence.
Theme 1 - Why do young men use the majority of all violence?
Theme 2 - How can we prevent young men’s violence?
Socio-ecological model Societal Community Relationship Individual Biological Personal history Demographic Substance abuse Experience of violence Peer relations Intimate partners Family members Schools Workplaces Neighbourhoods Social and cultural norms Mens dominance Child status Economical and social inequality
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Workshop - How can we prevent young men’s violence? 12:30Teamwork - How do we prevent gender based violence on different levels in the socio-ecological model? Workshop 1 Individual level Liz Kelly Linda Coates Allan Wade John Doyle Workshop 2 Relationship level Sharyn J. Potter Jeffrey O’Brien Graham Goulden Workshop 3 Community level Alan Heisterkamp Dean Peacock Stephanie Miedema Gary Barker Workshop 4 Societial level Dr Dinesh Sethi Christian Veske Dr. Zulema Altamirano Argudo Pierrette Pape 13:15Presentation of the result and mapping of different prevention methods and strategies Magnus Loftsson - Facilitator Experts Céline Giertta - Facilitator Participants Karen Austin - Facilitator Experts Klas Hyllander - Facilitator Participants Peter Söderström - Facilitator Experts Sara Aarnivaara - Facilitator Participants Olga Persson - Facilitator Experts Sofie Eriksson - Facilitator Participants 14:00Coffee break
Theme 3 - Which future directions are needed within our field of work?
Thank you!