Aims of This Orientation 课程指南的目的 1/To understand the objectives and expected outputs of this programme; 有助于更好地理解此次培训的目标和所期 待的成果 有助于更好地理解此次培训的目标和所期 待的成果 2/To confirm the timetable of the course, and make necessary fine tuning to it. 确定课程的时间安排并作出适当的调整 确定课程的时间安排并作出适当的调整
Background 背景 The world of work is changing - due to – Globalisation & economic liberalisation, Decline of Public sector, Privatization policies, influence of International Trade/WTO rules, foreign investment/MNCs, new technologies & new management strategies, the role of state is also changing;
Background 背景 Consequences in the labour markets: Employers’ need for Employment Flexibility [Downsizing, non-permanent jobs/contract-casual jobs] Adverse impact on Workers [ increasing workloads, growing insecurity of jobs & social security at risk ]; labour law reforms ( to provide for more employment flexibility & lesser regulation of industry); Growth of informal sector employment Declining TU memberships & weakening of TUs;
So, What Can TUs Do? Organize! increase memberships & influence - HOW? Organize! increase memberships & influence - HOW? campaign for labour law reforms! campaign for labour law reforms! Improve TU capacities to service membership – provide new services too… Improve TU capacities to service membership – provide new services too… Build links with other social partners – nationally and internationally, Build links with other social partners – nationally and internationally, AND ?.... How do we increase TU influence? AND ?.... How do we increase TU influence?
Long-Term Objectives 长期目标 To contribute towards ACFTU’s capacities to – Promote workers rights and social protection in China in this period of globalization To play an active role in tripartite dialogue & decision-making processes in the area of labour legislations to promote & protect workers rights Use ILO’s International Labour Standards for promoting organizing & workers rights
Immediate Objectives 即定目标 At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: Identify main challenges & difficulties faced by TUs in organising & protecting workers rights, and explain how trade unions can address them effectively; Identify main challenges & difficulties faced by TUs in organising & protecting workers rights, and explain how trade unions can address them effectively; Be familiar with the key provisions of labour legislations in other countries; Be familiar with the key provisions of labour legislations in other countries; Know about & understand the role of social dialogue & ILO Standards in promoting labour law reforms, including the role and strategies of the trade unions in ensuring fundamental principles and rights in the world of work; Know about & understand the role of social dialogue & ILO Standards in promoting labour law reforms, including the role and strategies of the trade unions in ensuring fundamental principles and rights in the world of work; Understand & utilize the ILO standards, including supervisory mechanisms, to promote an “enabling environment” for respect of workers rights; Understand & utilize the ILO standards, including supervisory mechanisms, to promote an “enabling environment” for respect of workers rights; Trade Union strategies for promoting workers rights; Trade Union strategies for promoting workers rights;
Key Issues to be Discussed Globalization, Labour Laws, Decent Work & Challenges for Trade Unions Labour Law in China & Challenges before ACFTU Social Dialogue & ILO Standards as instruments for labour law reforms Labour Legislation in the contemporary world Freedom of Association & other International Labour Standards & Workers Rights to Organize Enabling Conditions & Strategies for TU Organizing & Social Protection
2 nd Week 第 2 周 Study Visit to LO Sweden (Stockholm) Focus of the study visit: Labour movement in Sweden, relations with Political Parties, role of trade unions in Swedish society, etc; Trade Union Law, Industrial Disputes Resolution Machinery & Experience of LO on Organizing – at Enterprise levels, national and multinational companies; Field visit to any selected industrial unit/factory to see its working and interact with trade union representatives.
Evaluation 评估 End of the Course Evaluation 课程最后的评估 课程最后的评估 Feedback is welcome on daily-basis (欢迎每天进行情况反馈)
* Any Questions? 有问题吗?