Ing. Radek Fiala Internship - Sweden 2012
International Cooperation at Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU Objectives of the internship: To establish cooperation between the Swedish and Czech research and development To share experiences in the term of telemedicine as well as organization and management Our goal is to develop cooperation also for next projects in future. Ing. Radek Fiala
Activities: 1. Karolinska Institutet, St. Gorans hospital Stockholm Ongoing research and application projects of our Swedish partners Technology for patient flow monitoring and its optimization 2. Assistance System for Seniors Czech team development results application in cooperation with Swedish partners Assistance service for senior citizens using mobile telemetry tools International Cooperation at Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU
Goal: To improve the efficiency of patient flow To monitor a movement of patients, devices and disposables
Objectives: To define hospital needs To find appropriate technical structure and test it Prepare integration Goal: To improve the efficiency of patient flow To monitor a movement of patients, devices and disposables
Consequences: The project complexity Different world of technicans and medics Objectives: To define hospital needs To find appropriate technical structure and test it Prepare integration Goal: To improve the efficiency of patient flow To monitor a movement of patients, devices and disposables
Solution: analysis and specification Mini pilot projects Active RFID technology Test of patient localization in one department Consequences: The project complexity Different world of technicans and medics Objectives: To define hospital needs To find appropriate technical structure and test it Prepare integration Goal: To improve the efficiency of patient flow To monitor a movement of patients, devices and disposables
DT imaging needed for patient (patient send to DT department) DT department (waiting and imaging) Nurses at reception Manual input of the time into Cosmio form Today solution of statistic data input:
DT imaging needed for patient (patient send DT's Department) RFID gate DT department (waiting and imaging) Nurses at reception Manual input of the time into Cosmio form Automated time stamp of passing the gate Automated solution of statistic data input:
RFID gate (stable antene) RFID tag (patient side) RFID technology:
RFID technology – direction recognition: Patient walking Measuring corridor Patient walking
RFID technology – block schematics: Measuring corridor distance approx. 5 m Pacient passing by Wall power 230V LAN cable connection RFID server Offline recording RFID receivers RFID tag Wall power 230V
RFID technology – block schematics: Measuring corridor distance approx. 5 m Pacient passing by Wall power 230V LAN cable connection RFID server Offline recording RFID receivers RFID tag Wall power 230V
MANUALAutomateddeltaduration IDINOUTINOUTmanualautomated : : : :552 min10 min8 min : : : : : : : :53 …………… Standart (nowadays) analysis nowadays – manual input Principle of the pilot
Automated solution of statistic data input: RF ID solution Hospital IS: COSMIC
Automated solution of statistic data input: RF ID solution Hospital IS: COSMIC ? Functioning and Technical Interconnection
Automated solution of statistic data input: RF ID solution Hospital IS: COSMIC online interconection Data Protection Simultaneous manual/auto regime Interconection: tag - user
Automated solution of statistic data input: RF ID solution Hospital IS: COSMIC OK
Offline MINI PILOT RF ID solution Movement and data record from RFID Export from the hospital IS Hospital IS: COSMIC
2. Development: Assistance System for Seniors
What is assistance service? Mobile assistance service for seniors improves quality of life and reduce risks in advanced age. In General
What is assistance service? Mobile assistance service for seniors improves quality of life and reduce risks in advanced age. Features: (localization, fall, continuous monitoring) Clever Mobile Assistance + = Call centrum 24/7 + In General In Terms of Technology SW +
What is assistance service? Mobile assistance service for seniors improves quality of life and reduce risks in advanced age. Features: (localization, fall, continuous monitoring) Clever Mobile Assistance + = Call centrum 24/7 + ageing process = worries and concerns Activities limitation Spiral decrease of quality of life Risks and worries reduction = sustaining of our owns activities Radical extension of high-quality life period In General In Terms of Technology In Practice SW +
life dynamics age 1st. problem
life dynamics age 1st. problem Standart care
life dynamics age 1st. problem Standart care Mobile assist.
Long term cooperation project CZ - Sweden Since 2008 START joint project FBME, 1.lf. UK of mobile care –assistive solution initiated in CZ in cooperation with professional partners tested and put into operation.
Long term cooperation project CZ - Sweden Since 2008 START joint project FBME, 1.lf. UK of mobile care –assistive solution initiated in CZ in cooperation with professional partners tested and put into operation Analysis of the Czech Trade analysis of 12 countries, as the country with the most advanced assistive technologies were evaluated Sweden (generally the entire northern region of Sweden, Norway, Finland).
Long term cooperation project CZ - Sweden Since 2008 START joint project FBME, 1.lf. UK of mobile care –assistive solution initiated in CZ in cooperation with professional partners tested and put into operation Analysis of the Czech Trade analysis of 12 countries, as the country with the most advanced assistive technologies were evaluated Sweden (generally the entire northern region of Sweden, Norway, Finland) Search for a partner for the Nordic region reference (pilot) project Cooperation with research - application incubator in Norrkopping Established Nordic monitoring center (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, running continuously)
Long term cooperation project CZ - Sweden Since 2008 START joint project FBME, 1.lf. UK of mobile care –assistive solution initiated in CZ in cooperation with professional partners tested and put into operation Analysis of the Czech Trade analysis of 12 countries, as the country with the most advanced assistive technologies were evaluated Sweden (generally the entire northern region of Sweden, Norway, Finland) Search for a partner for the Nordic region reference (pilot) project Cooperation with research - application incubator in Norrkopping Established Nordic monitoring center (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, running continuously) 2012 Starting dissemination bigessential difference of the situation and experience in Scandinavia (CZ SE vs SE = 100 times more !!!!) Legislation rules - municipality must provide assistance care. A key partner in providing assistance supervisory care is municipality (municipalities, higher administrative units).
Long term cooperation project CZ - Sweden Since 2008 START joint project FBME, 1.lf. UK of mobile care –assistive solution initiated in CZ in cooperation with professional partners tested and put into operation Analysis of the Czech Trade analysis of 12 countries, as the country with the most advanced assistive technologies were evaluated Sweden (generally the entire northern region of Sweden, Norway, Finland) Search for a partner for the Nordic region reference (pilot) project Cooperation with research - application incubator in Norrkopping Established Nordic monitoring center (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, running continuously) 2012 Starting dissemination bigessential difference of the situation and experience in Scandinavia (CZ SE vs SE = 100 times more !!!!) Legislation rules - municipality must provide assistance care. A key partner in providing assistance supervisory care is municipality (municipalities, higher administrative units). turning point 2012: In Scandinavia it is replaced the systém of fixed lines with digital data connection (wired) communication = need to change the technology. mobile assistance system allows generational improvement in the quality of care
Long term cooperation project CZ - Sweden Since 2008 START joint project FBME, 1.lf. UK of mobile care –assistive solution initiated in CZ in cooperation with professional partners tested and put into operation Analysis of the Czech Trade analysis of 12 countries, as the country with the most advanced assistive technologies were evaluated Sweden (generally the entire northern region of Sweden, Norway, Finland) Search for a partner for the Nordic region reference (pilot) project Cooperation with research - application incubator in Norrkopping Established Nordic monitoring center (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, running continuously) 2012 Starting dissemination bigessential difference of the situation and experience in Scandinavia (CZ SE vs SE = 100 times more !!!!) Legislation rules - municipality must provide assistance care. A key partner in providing assistance supervisory care is municipality (municipalities, higher administrative units). turning point 2012: In Scandinavia it is replaced the systém of fixed lines with digital data connection (wired) communication = need to change the technology. mobile assistance system allows generational improvement in the quality of care Results of intensive cooperation : Inclusion of SI to study Swedish Government Mobile Assistive Technology Finding 2 key partners Implementation of a successful pilot test
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