Staffan Lund Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU Ola Palm JTI – Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
Baltic Compass Strategic Objective Reinforce connections between land-use, environment and agriculture, leading to healthier ecosystems and a more competitive Baltic Sea Region
BC international partnership BELARUS Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources RUE Scientific-Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences DENMARK Aarhus University Agrobusiness Park A/S ESTONIA Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development/SEI-Tallinn Tallinn University of Technology FINLAND Finnish Environment Institute Baltic Sea Action Group MTT – Agrifood Research Finland GERMANY State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of the Federal State Schleswig- Holstein LATVIA Union Farmers Parliament LITHUANIA Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania Lithuanian Agric. Advisory Service Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics POLAND Institute of Technology and Natural Sciences Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Warsaw SWEDEN Swedish Uni. of Agricultural Sciences Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI) Swedish Board of Agriculture Stockholm Environment Institute Sida Baltic Sea Unit INTERNATIONAL Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)
Partners in Belarus Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources RUE Scientific- Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences
Baltic Compass in Belarussia Monitoring of agricultural run-off Investments in manure management technologies Sustainable agricultural practices International cooperation
Baltic Compass workpackages 1.Management and coordination 2.Communication and information 3.Best practices utilization and transfer 4.Innovative technologies and investments 5.Environmental assessments and scenarios 6.Governance and policy adaptation
Innovative technologies and investments Best practices utilization and transfer
Innovative technologies and investments Sector study of 3 selected technologies 1.Biogas production from anaerobic digestion of livestock manure 2.Livestock manure separation technologies (whether with or without connection to biogas production) 3.Drainage and related technologies Interactive tool for innovative agro- environmental technologies
Farm scale biogas plant
Centrifuge separator
Conventional plastic drain pipe
Best practices utilization and transfer –Identify, rank and select BAT (Best Available Technology) and existing innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture –National descriptions of how different measures technically have been implemented
Country reports WP3 Description of technical implementation of priority measures in partner-countries Measures - country reports Summery of country reports Priority measures
National participatory process How priority measures could fit to case farms National case farm Priority measures The WP3-list Priority measures The WP3-list National case farm discussing - Advisory organization - Project partner ATLAS Measures already implemented – motivations why Measures of interest to implement – motivation why Measures - country reports