Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Civil Engineering Prof. Ing.Jan Szolgay, PhD. Vice-dean for Science, Research and Foreign Relations
Structure of The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Civil Engineering Architecture Mechanical Engineering Chemical and Food Technology Materials Science and Technology Informatics and Information Technologies
Academic Bodies of The Faculty Scientific Board Academic Senate
The Faculty’s Employees Teachers 59 Researchers 173 Others
Faculty of Civil Engineering 5 21 Departments Information Technologies Centre Library and Information Centre Institute for Forensic Engineering
Library and Information Centre
Sport Facilities
3. Doctorals Study - 4 years 1. Bachelor Study - 3 years* 2. Master Study - 2 years Title Ing. Title Bc. STUDY DEGREES * Building Structures and Architecture 4 years
ENROLMENT (2010/11) Master Study1030 Doctoral Study Bachelor Study 3003
Accredited Bc. Study Programmes 10 1.Geodesy and Cartography 2.Building Structures and Architecture 3.Civil and Transportation Engineering 4.Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management 5.Environmental Engineering 6.Civil Engineering (in English language) 7.Building Technology and Management 8.Mathematical and Computational Modelling
Accredited MSc. Study Programmes 11 1.Geodesy and Cartography 2.Architectural Constructions and Design 3.Building Structures 4.Building Structures and Architecture 5.Building Services 6.Technology of Building Environment 7.Civil and Transportation Engineering 8.Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management 9.Environmental Engineering 10.Building Technology 11.Mathematical and Computational Modeling 12.Landscape and Landscape Planning
Accredited PhD. Study Programmes 12 1.Geodesy and Cartography 2.Theory and Construction of Buildings Structures 3.Theory and Technology of Building Environment 4.Theory and Construction of Civil Engineering Structures 5.Water Management Engineering 6.Applied Mechanics 7.Building Technology 8.Applied Mathematics 9.Landscape engineering
Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering
Welcome to Bratislava 14 “Documentation for Quality Assurance of Study Programmes (DOQUP)”. Training seminar - Methodologies and procedures of definition, gathering, elaboration and presentation of information and data for quality assurance of study programmes: experiences and best practices.”
Welcome to Bratislava 15 Opening the training seminar Study programme for foreign students – prof. Ing. Andrej Soltesz, PhD. (previous vice-dean for International relations) (Poznamky na vymazanie) Kvalta študijnych programov: Sú počty zahraničnych študentov a študijné programy v anglickom jazyku Kriteriom kvality? My s tym len začiname, neviem či Ministerstvo to ma ako kriterium kvality, Pri ratingu svetovych univerzit to asi je kriterium kvality
Welcome to Bratislava 16 "Monitoring of the adequacy and effectiveness of the educational process perceived by students" (6) – Peter Makys – Vice- Dean for Education (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: Spatna vazba od studentov na kvalitu ucebneho procesu, dotazniky, Zaciname s tym. Este nemame spatnu vazbu od konciaich studentov, uradov prace a zamestnavatelov Na „kvalitu studijnych programov“, ma trh prace, firmy a studenti realne moznost Ovplyvnovat tvorbu studijnych programov?
Welcome to Bratislava 17 On-line tool for gathering and evaluating the publication results of researchers for Ministry of Education – the head of the Library – Silvia Stasselova (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: Ministerstvo eviduje on-line publikacnu cinnost pracovnikov ucitelov aj vyskumnikov univerzit. Je to povazovane za kriterium kvality. Chceli sme aby Silvia hovorila o on.line evidovani publikacnej cinnosti, ale ona vraj nieco spominala o databazach. Tak aspon v uvode by sa ta publikacna cinnost mohla spomenut.
Welcome to Bratislava 18 Session on (5)"Monitoring and presentation of the results of the educational process„ – online AIS Academic Information System – collection of all documentation connected with education process - Ing. Dubik (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: Zavedenie AIS na vsetkych univerzitach v SR ako online nastroj na podporu kvality a porovnavania kvality jednotlivych VS, predvedieme demo verziu, co vsetko sa da evidivat v AIS
Welcome to Bratislava 19 Session on (4)"Organisation and management of the student support services" online AIS Academic Information System Ing.Frajkova (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: Zavedenie AIS na vsetkych univerzitach v SR ako online nastroj na podporu kvality a porovnavania kvality jednotlivych VS, predvedieme demo verziu, co vsetko sa da evidivat v AIS
Welcome to Bratislava 20 Welcome to the STU in Bratislava prof. Robert Redhammer, the rector.
Welcome to Bratislava 21 (1) "Methodologies and procedures for the identification of the educational needs of the labour market„ assoc. prof. Frantisek Hornak, the Vice-rector for Education (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: Mali by sme povedat ako sa spolupracuje s firmami a trhom prace na tvorbe studijnych programov, Este sa musime dohodnut
Welcome to Bratislava 22 (2) "The TUNING approach to the definition of educational objectives, learning outcomes and curriculum of a study programme" prof. Ing.Jozef Gasparik,PhD. (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: Tunovaci pristup k definovaniu cielov vzdelavania, vystupov vzdelavania a kurikula studijnych programov, U nas asi tento pristup zabezpecuje Ministertvo cez akreditaciu, neviem do akej miery Si napr. fakulty mozu tvorit vlastne tunovane studijne programy
Welcome to Bratislava 23 (7) "Management system and initiatives for the promotion of quality", (8) "Management of the process of revision and improvement„ assoc. prof. Eva Jankovichova the coordinator of the project DOQUP (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: vysvetlenie akreditacie studijnych programov ako nastroja na zabezpecovanie ich kvality v SR Cez MS.
Welcome to Bratislava 24 (3)"Methods and procedures of students' learning assessment: strength and weakness points„ Ing. Gabriela Pavlendova, PhD. (Poznamky na vymazanie a uvedenie danej temy ) Kvalta študijnych programov: metody a postupy na hodnotenie efektivnostivzdelavacieho procesu studentov, Silne a slabe stranky?
25 Thank You !