II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Quality Management of Spatial Data Infrastructure – a Necessity for Investments.


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Presentation transcript:

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Quality Management of Spatial Data Infrastructure – a Necessity for Investments Anders Östman & Jan Zakariasson Swedesurvey AB

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 An International Consultant company, owned by the Swedish Government Provides services worldwide within Land Governance, NSDI and Human Resource Development Acts as the Overseas Agency of Lantmäteriet, the Swedish mapping, cadastre and registry authority Swedesurvey AB

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 NSDI version 1.0 Based on INSPIRE Legislation: Most EU countries have implemented the INSPIRE directive in their national legislations Business models: Mainly G2G (Goverment-to- government) Network services: Up and running, more or less Geoportal: A large number exists Data provision: Currently the main focus

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 NSDI version 2.0 Increase value to the user Increase involvement of private business and citizens NSDI monitoring at macro level (INSPIRE reporting, Balanced scorecard, SDI readiness index, SDI maturity index,...) NSDI monitoring at micro level (service quality, data quality, investment analysis,...)

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Some statements about quality “The characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs ” (American society for quality) “There is always another method for making a product cheaper and better” (Kaizen concept) Quality assurance of geospatial data production is mainly seen as a cost (Eurogeographics) Investment decisions requires proper quality management (Self-evident)

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Cartographic quality Readability Esthetic Basic measurements (distance, direction, area) Well established QA routines for production of paper maps

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Geospatial data quality Data quality elements Accuracy Completeness Consistency Currentness Producer oriented

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Quality challenges for SDI actors Data Providers –Subcontractors –Crowdsourcing –Data migration –Data harmonisation (INSPIRE, Mash-ups) Providers of network services –Availability, Response time, Number of concurrent users Providers of web applications –Fast –Correct and relevant information –Flexible, customizable to the needs –Low cost –Convenient –Reliable

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Case Study 1 – Migration and harmonisation to INSPIRE NLS database NLS schema INSPIRE schema NLS shapefiles Transformation rules Source data consistency report Source GML files Target GML files Schema transformation report Schema matching & mapping report Data extraction Schema matching and mapping Shape to GML conversion Source consistency test Schema transformation

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 DPS editor XML Schema ISO FME Quality Control routines CSW metadata update ISO 19113,ISO 19114, ISO (ISO 19157) Metadata DB Metadataeditor Metadata Portal ISO ISO Product Specification Quality ControlMetadata Input and refining processes

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG), Germany IGN Belgium IGN France Statens Kartverk, Norway Lantmäteriet, Sweden Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen,Denmark National Land Survey of Finland Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV), Austria National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity, Romania Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Hungary ESDIN NMCA Partners

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 LoadUI

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Results – download service IDDescriptionError frequency CR.D-1GetCapabilities mandatory parameters7 % CR.D-5Get Spatial Objects mandatory parameters13 % CR.D-6Get Spatial Objects optional parameters53 % CR.D-11Describe Spatial Object Type, mandatory parameters 0 % CR.D-12Describe Spatial Object Type, optional parameters 0 %

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 The quality of data and services are essential key issues for further development of (investment in) a NSDI Data quality New business models and data processing streams requires new quality assurance routines Design of QA routines extremely important (risk minimization, parameters, acceptance thresholds) Service quality INSPIRE network services – ESDIN test suite Web applications – Usability tests required Quality in short

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Partnership with local and international expertise Solving short term issues (implementation, development etc) Strategic guidance Capacity building The role of Swedesurvey

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Swedesurvey Lantmäteriet IT partners Swedesurvey LantmäterietTechnical partners GIS & Remote Sensing partners Local partners Swedesurvey – Partnership model

II Annual Conference of the CIS and the Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Conclusions NSDI version 1.0 based on INSPIRE A strategy for NSDI v 2.0 need to adress the private sector and citizens Quality of services and data are essential parts of such a strategy We have for several years worked on SDI, regional development and business development – experiences we wish to share with you

II Annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic Countries - Moscow Sept 2011 Thank You – Questions? References Abugessaisa I, Östman A, Testing-SDI: E-government Prospective, Requirements, and Challenges. International Journal of Public Information Systems, Vol. 2011:1, pp Östman A, Abugessaisa I, Tanzilli S, He X, El-Mekawy M, GeoTest: A Testing Environment for Swedish Geodata. Paper presented at the GSDI 11 World Conference, Rotterdam, June 15-19, He X, Persson H, Östman A, Geoportal Usability Evaluations. Portele C, Östman A, Koutroumpas M, He, Kovanen J, Schneider M Skopeliti A, Testing - an essential aspect of establishing an SDI. Paper presented at the INSPIRE Conference 2011 in Edinburgh, June 27 – July 1, Anders Rydén, Evaluating the Progress of the Swedish Spatial Data Infrastructure. Paper presented at the INSPIRE Conference 2011 in Edinburgh, June 27 – July 1,