Making the most of your Subscriptions Greta Boonen, Senior Account Manager Louise Breinholt,


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Presentation transcript:

Making the most of your Subscriptions Greta Boonen, Senior Account Manager Louise Breinholt, Marketing Manager ANKOS Meeting, 2005

ANKOS usage statistics analysed How to make the most of your subscriptions –Using ‘My Profile’, Alerting, EarlyView and other functionality –Branding –Cross product searching What’s new –The Cochrane Library and other databases –Backfile Collections –OnlineBooks™ –Current Protocols

ANKOS Statistics Summary

ANKOS Usage 2003:2004

Cost per Access in $US: Lowest – Highest YTD $25 = cost of PPV $10 =lowest priced ArticleSelect token Excludes 10 ‘$0’ cost per access ANKOS Cost Per Access 2004

Use of ANKOS collection compared to subscribed titles ANKOS Usage

What’s New on Wiley InterScience ®

Spanning 14 subject areas across the scientific, technical, medical and professional disciplines. Searchable, dynamic and always available >500 Journals >1300 OnlineBooks™ 51 Encyclopedic Reference Works 13 Current Protocols 10 Databases 12 Backfile Collections Discover …A Rich Selection of Quality Content

Discover …Journal Backfile Collections Backfile Collections: Analytical Sciences Angewandte Chemie International Edition Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Biophysics Cell and Developmental Biology Chemistry Materials Science Neuroscience New Directions for Evaluation Polymer Coming in 2005: Genetics and Evolution Journal of Pathology Numerical Engineering Coming in 2006: Chemistry societies Medicine Physics and Astronomy Psychology Full digitization of backfiles planned for completion by 2007

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Discover …OnlineBooks ™ Now over 1300 titles available 30+ added each month New flexible sales model – two options –One Time Fee –Flexi-subscription Minimum purchase of 20 titles New sales model for OnlineBooks ™ in 2005

12 Laboratory manuals Fully Searchable Html and PDF format Internal hyper- linking Discover …the new Current Protocols

Discover …Newly Launched Databases Now 11 databases available Coming soon: e-Proxemis (Bioinformatics)

Discover …The Cochrane Library Leading source of information on evidence- based medicine New interface on Wiley InterScience ® Official publisher approved by the Cochrane Collaboration

Make the most of your subscriptions

How to drive usage: General tools and considerations You have informed users about Wiley InterScience - promotional material - newsletters/ s to your researchers - training sessions You have created easy links to Wiley InterScience from your library’s web site/OPAC catalogue systems Create seamless linking - Open URL linking The Lure of Linking: Take It to the Street: Encouraging readership

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Driving Usage: Saved Title Alerts You’re busy, let Wiley InterScience ® remember it for you… Set up a saved title alert for your institution’s top 10 journals Set up a saved search alert using your institution as the Author Affiliation Set up a saved search alert using your institution’s professors in the Author field Set up a saved title alert for ten journals in a specialist field where you think usage could be better Encourage Professors to set up a saved search alert meeting parameters of their research field and forward s to students/peers

Driving Usage: Saved Title Alerts 

Driving Usage: Saved Search Alerts

Discover …Flexible Search Functionality

“I think the Acronym Finder deserves special mention as a terrific online tool, especially in the sciences.” Harvard University Librarian Library Journal, May 2002 Discover …Flexible Search Functionality

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Results conveniently ordered by product type Toggle between product type results here Discover …Flexible Search Functionality

Discover …it first EarlyView ® - journal articles online ahead of print issue. Peer reviewed and fully citable

Discover … Extensive Linking CrossRef ISI Web of Science PubMed ChemPort Links with:

Discover …OnlineBooks™ Search, save chapter summaries Access related articles in an instant Browse a book by its Table of Contents Download content at the chapter level - PDF MARC Records – coming in Autumn 2005

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