Biological effects of Electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile telephones and wireless internet routers on germination and growth of Broccoli, (Brassica Oleracea) First author: Ceamburu Alexandru Co-authors: Geambasu Simion Stratulat Felicia Coordinator: Alecu Adrian MD,PhD Marisiensis 2014
Introduction How aware are we of the electromagnetic radiation surrounding us? How safe is daily exposure to this kind of radiation ? How it affects the living cells? Marisiensis 2014
Objective The objective of this study was to observe how the radiation emitted by mobile telephones and wifi routers is affecting the germination rate, growth and cellular division of plants, thus making a comparison with the daily effects of atmospheric electromagnetic radiation. Marisiensis 2014
Material and method We cultivated four groups of seeds of Broccoli 1.On a wireles router 2.On a mobile phone in stand-by 3.On a mobile phone with 12 h/day conversation 4.Control group Marisiensis 2014
Material and method Each day : we checked the room temperature, humidity, general evolution of the seeds. we watered all 4 groups of seeds we noted the day of germination for each group Marisiensis 2014
Material and method The duration of exposure in all four groups was 7 days. After exposure we used cytogenetic analysis to observe and notice changes in cell division of the exposed seeds. Marisiensis 2014
Results After 7 days of constant exposure: First group The second group Marisiensis 2014
Results The third group Control group Marisiensis 2014
Results Results Germination rate after 7 days Marisiensis 2014
Results Results Growth of seeds after 7 days Marisiensis 2014
Discussions Seed development in each group was unequal The highest germination rate and stalk length was observed in the group exposed to radiation from wireless router One possible reason for this effect could be the higher frequency of radiation which transfered caloric energy to the seeds. The second highest growth rate was observed in the control group. Marisiensis 2014
Discussions The least germination rate and growth was observed in the group exposed to electromagnetic radiation from mobile telephone with 12h/day conversation. This result could indicate a negative effect also on the human brain when using mobile telephone many hours per day To consolidate the afirmation above we mention that we kept a 2.2 cm distance between the telephone and the seeds in this group because the same distance exists between the electronic device and the brain during mobile telephone conversation. Marisiensis 2014
Discussions Several advantages in using plants over animals for this experiment: their immobility; their sensitivity to small changes of the environment; high reproductibility. Broccoli was chosen because of: their rapid growth, no special conditions for germination small number of chromosomes Marisiensis 2014
Conclusions Regarding cytogenetic analysis we couldn’t observe any cellular division thus we can not draw a conclusion if there was any genetic disturbance after exposure to radiation. Marisiensis 2014
Conclusions The presence of electromagnetic radiation leaded to an increase of the plant growth, possibly due to thermal effect. Comparing with the literature our study showed contrary results. Long term studies are necessary to provide more detailed information on the effect of electromagnetic radiation on living cells. Marisiensis 2014
Bibliography Study of Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Biochemical Changes In Satureja Bachtiarica INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 1, ISSUE 7, AUGUST 2012 THE EFFECTS OF HIGH FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES ON THE VEGETAL ORGANISMS Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Plant Growth CALIFORNIA STATE SCIENCE FAIR 2012 PROJECT SUMMARY EMR plants:published papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals,that show (possible) EMR effect Marisiensis 2014