Management Of Domains related to Energy in Local Authorities/ Managementul domeniului energetic la nivel local (MODEL) MODEL Award Competition 2009
Brasov is the capital city of Brasov County, situated in the central part of Romania. Brasov is a mountain city located at an altitude of m, and has a long heating season (approx. 6 months), which translates into important energy consumption. Brasov was one of the first Romanian municipalities to join Agenda 21. Now in Brasov there are two important actors in sustainable development: ABMEE – Local Energy Management Agency and AMB – Brasov Metropolitan Agency. Brasov defined its municipal energy strategy and started implementing it. One of the most important issues identified was the district heating. The system generates a lot of losses and is undergoing a process of retrofitting. MODEL Award Competition 2009
1 on-line monitoring of energy consumption application (EMS) 1 working meeting of the Committee on Energy Efficiency held 18 monitoring reports for 18 municipal buildings Support for 4 sessions tender heat insulation of housing blocks Technical documentation made for 14 sites 1 feasibility study for heat insulation made Contribution to the "Guide for Integrated Educational System in sustainable energy“ 1 Data Base of Municipal Contacts (MCDB) MODEL Award Competition 2009 Results of the EMU in 2009
1 shining example for Brasov in MODEL 1 Municipal Energy Program (MEP) started 7 training sessions on the Energy Management Software (EMS) to energy managers of schools 62 energy managers trained in assistance sessions on EMS program 12 buildings considered to be included in the Green House ( "The replacement or supplement to traditional systems of heating systems using solar, geothermal or other systems) MODEL Award Competition 2009 Results of the EMU in 2009
8 sites analyzed and offered solutions to reduce energy consumption and water 1 international transport project positively evaluated (total value 57,440 euros, which attracted 40,207 euros from the European Commission) 1 project proposal for the use of photovoltaic solar panels (totaling 350,000 euros, of which 98% were drawn from European funds) 3 projects for the use of solar collectors for domestic hot water preparation in the amount of 1,064,166 lei (of which 70% of the project were drawn from grants) 4 proposals submitted for funding under the Intelligent Energy Europe program and Europe Aid (totaling 450,000 euros, 337,500 euros of which will attract funding programs for positive evaluation) MODEL Award Competition 2009 Results of the EMU in 2009
1 project in the Intelligent Energy Europe program, evaluated positively (total value 70,408 euros, which attracted 52,806 euros from the European Commission) 2 Energy-Cites meetings in which ABMEE presented the city of Brasov and its achievements Vice President in the Management Board of Energie-Cites for the 2nd time 8 events in which ABMEE promoted the image of Brasov in the field of energy efficiency 1 contribution to the brochure “Romanian cities against climate change: before and after Copenhagen 2009” 20 partners from public, private and the media have contributed to "Days of Municipal Intelligent Energy", edition II, Brasov, 4-9 November MODEL Award Competition 2009 Results of the EMU in 2009
1 ECO Film Festival, the first of its kind in Brasov - KRON FILM FEST, 5-6 November 4 representative documentaries presented at KRON FILM FEST, on global warming and climate change 573 students and film fans participants in the two days of screenings of the KRON FILM FEST, at the Amphitheater CP3 University "Transilvania" of Brasov 150 children from kindergartens in Brasov attended the “Energy – Let’s save it!” show on the 4 th of November 2009, during the MIEDs 45 media channels informing on "Days of Municipal Intelligent Energy" MODEL Award Competition 2009 Results of the EMU in 2009
The Brasov Municipality and ABMEE decided to use films, cartoons and plays to relay the message of the MIEDs to as many persons as possible. Therefore, the 2009 MIEDs consisted of three major events: a play for kindergarten children and their parents at the “Arlechino” Theatre, the first eco film festival in Brasov, named “Kron Film Fest” and meeting and screening for local authorities representatives. On the 3 rd of November 2009 a press conference was held at the Brasov City Hall, in which the mayor, Mr. George Scripcaru, together with Mrs. Camelia Rata, executive manager of ABMEE presented to the local media the events that were about to commence in the frame of the Energy Days. MODEL Award Competition 2009 MIEDs 2009 in Brasov
The next day, on the 4 th of November, an event for children and parents alike took place at the “Arlechino” theatre. A puppet show named “Let’s save energy!” was integrated with a screening of the “Energy - Let’s save it!” cartoon. The mayor attended the events and even actively participated explaining the concepts to children. The young participants received small gift, while the press received materials on MODEL and the other projects that are implemented in Brasov. MODEL Award Competition 2009 MIEDs 2009 in Brasov
On 05 – , ABMEE and the “Transilvania” municipality organized the first edition of “Kron Film Fest”, a two day event in which free screenings of the following documentaries „An Inconvenient Truth”, „The 11th Hour”, „Home” and „The Age of Stupid” were held in the Main Hall of the University. Students from several schools and high schools viewed each film, received informative materials and took part in a survey. Each film was presented twice and the viewing was free of charge for all. Together with the press office of the City Hall, ABMEE promoted the events in the local press, on the radio, on websites, in schools and universities. MODEL Award Competition 2009 MIEDs 2009 in Brasov
Management Of Domains related to Energy in Local Authorities/ Managementul domeniului energetic la nivel local (MODEL) Thank you !