‘Moving on, together’ Tuesday 29 November National Concert Hall
Campaign Tactical Reactive Movement Strategic Proactive
Vision We believe that the arts are an absolute necessity for a healthy society. A flourishing cultural environment fosters imagination, creativity and pride. NCFA claims the value of the contemporary and challenging as well as the classic and traditional. We believe that a culturally rich life should be accessible to all. NCFA is for all the people of Ireland who, through their taxes and patronage, support and value the arts. NCFA is for audiences, from children to aficionados, who enjoy the arts in all its forms. NCFA is for all those who believe in this vision, particularly artists and arts organisations.
How we achieve our vision Advocacy and lobbying national/local and political/public Research providing fact-based evidence to support our case Campaigning fighting to maintain and grow investment in the arts and culture
G et the arts solidly on the political agenda Equip politicians and other stakeholders to engage fully in the culture agenda Establish a new model for governance for the arts across all levels of society – (e.g. write and publish a white paper) Lobby for the development of a National Cultural Plan Alter for the better, public perception of the importance, place and value of the arts - in partnership with the Arts Council Advocate for the provision of a culturally complete life for children Long-term goals
Put in place an appropriate structure Raise €300k over the next three years Lobby and campaign to maintain current levels of funding for the arts through the Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht and local authorities Devise ways and means to commission and fund the necessary research programmes to evidence our case for the arts Develop and broaden our networks to increase our influence and impact Short-term goals
Strategy for next 12 months Objective 1 Organisation Structure National Steering Committee Constituency Co-ordinators Local suppor t
National Steering Committee 3 Constituency Coordinators 3 representatives from umbrella/resource organisations/NCIs 3 experts (skills set/experience/contacts) 2 members of Theatre Forum’s board* * Theatre Forum to provide secretariat ** At least two NSC members to be artists
Strategy for next 12 months Objective 2 Fundraising - raise €300k over 3 years Plan Set up a sub-committee Draw up a clear fundraising strategy with defined targets and deadline e.g. -Direct mail -Foundations -High net worth individuals -Special events e.g. mini marathon
Objective 3 Campaign to maintain funding for the arts nationally and locally Meet and engage Ministers, especially those with key portfolios TDs Senators Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Local Authority City and County Managers Arts Officers Local Councillors Arts Council Organise lobbying training Encourage and support ongoing local engagement Strategy for next 12 months
Objective 4 Commission and source funding for research Plan Set up subcommittee and define research requirements Collate and analyse existing research Short term – measure the impact of public funding Longitudinal base data collated Identify potential public and private sector research partners (UCD, TBCT, ESRI, Gradcam, CSO etc) Develop case statements/arguments to support our vision Advocate that Arts Council funded / state-funded organisations publish data annually
Objective 5* Advocacy and Networks - develop and broaden NCFA’s advocacy base Plan Develop list of potential advocacy groups/bodies Start conversation with Dept of Education and Dept of Health Write up the case we’re making and our ‘ask’ for each group Consider an approach on the role of arts in post- conflict situations Meet National Parents Council and teachers organisations Develop links with ‘We Are More’ and other advocacy bodies Develop links with Chamber of Commerce, Crafts Council, City Council, Pivot Dublin etc. * De prioritised, due to lack of resources Strategy for next 12 months
Lots done … Structure Reviewed the structure of the NCFA Reviewed and re-newed our goals and priorities Establishing a network of Constituency Coordinators ‘Moving on, together’ meetings Fundraising We raised over €30,000 Established a new subcommittee and strategy
More … Advocacy and campaigning Held election hustings Met 70% of new TDs in nationwide Meet and Greet Lobbied Ministers Briefed Senators Held Presidential hustings Met the Arts Council Lobbying City and County Managers Starting to lobby Local Councillors Lobbying Arts Officers Liaising with the Department X Engage with the public
And even more … Research About to commission qualitative research Identifying partners for quantitative and longitudinal research Writing terms of reference for research Writing a position paper on arts and education
Strategic priorities for 2012 Structure Fundraising Advocacy and campaigning Research
But there’s lots more to do … And that’s where you come in …