Born: April 23, 1564 Died: April 23, 1616 William Shakespeare The most dominating author of the Renaissance Period Born: April 23, 1564 Died: April 23, 1616 To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? Hamlet; Act III
William Shakespeare He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. (small town outside of London) Parents were Mary Arden and John Shakespeare. Being from a middle class family, his parents were able to afford to send him to grammar school. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway who was seven years older than he was.
William Shakespeare Together, they will have three children: Susanna, (1583) and twins Hamnet and Judith (1585) Hamnet died before reaching adulthood, (11 yr. old) leaving Shakespeare without a male heir. After Hamnet’s death, Shakespeare left his family in Stratford and headed to London to pursue a career in acting and playwright.
William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s first documented play performance was in 1592. To the likes of Queen Elizabeth he continued to perform becoming one of the leading dramatist and actor of his time. By 1595 he was a leading member of Lord Chamberlain’s Men—(also known as the “King’s Men") which was an acting company promoted by Queen Elizabeth.
The Globe Theater By 1599 he was part owner of The Globe Theater. Most widely known theater in all of London Also known as the “Wooden O”. Like all theaters during this time, The Globe Theater was an outside theater with no roof. Therefore… Plays were performed in the afternoon because they needed the sunlight to see. The stage was set by language. Little use of props. Usually had a narrator to explain what was taking place “showing by way of telling” the audience what was/is about to happen. Women’s roles were played by men.
The Globe Theater The Globe Theatre went up in flames during a performance of Henry the Eighth on June 29, 1613. The theater was destroyed and had to be rebuilt the following year.
The Globe Theater Today The Globe Theater was eventually torn down after the Puritans invaded England…however the foundation of the Globe was rediscovered in 1989. Workers began construction in 1993 on the new theatre near the site of the original. The latest Globe Theatre was completed in 1996; Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the theatre on June 12, 1997 with a production of Henry V.
William Shakespeare By 1603 Shakespeare was considered one of the greatest playwrights and performers of his time. At this time he retired from acting and devoted himself to strictly writing.
William Shakespeare He bought a large house in Stratford and called “New Place” and moved his family there while he remained in London. Anne’s cottage before they married. “New Place”
William Shakespeare From 1603-1610 Shakespeare continued to write and live without his family. In 1610 he retired from writing, moved to “New Place” and reunited with his family.
William Shakespeare Little is known of his life after retirement. He and his family kept to themselves. Shakespeare died on April 23rd 1616.
Shakespeare’s Will Shakespeare stated in his Will that his wife was his “second-best bed”…leaving many to question his sexuality (in regard to his poetry) and fidelity. Others believe that it was his way of stating that New Place was his best bed and that she had the right to stay there (in their bed/room) as long as she and it stood; however, he left the house to his son-in-law…?????????? Although, she did receive what was called a widow’s dower which entitled her to 1/3 of the income from her husband’s estate. The house remained in his family until 1670 when his last descendant, a granddaughter, died.
Shakespeare’s Writing Shakespeare is credited for writing 37 plays, which have traditionally been categorized as comedies, histories, and tragedies. Most of his writings were written for the Globe Theater. (Intended to be performed) Shakespeare was not an original storyteller. He borrowed most of his plots from English and Roman history, medieval and early Renaissance tales, Spanish romances, and Italian tales.
Shakespeare’s Writing A lot of his stories were already known to his audiences. It was his written enhancements, (language, characterization,) and his performances (dramatic skills) that caught his audiences attention. Most of his words in his plays are considered archaic, meaning they have disappeared from common use today.
Shakespeare’s Writing Shakespeare is credited for creating and using over 1’000 of his own words. He once said that he wrote for “the stage, not the reader”. Aside from his 37 plays, he is also credited for over 154 sonnets, as well as 2 narrative poems.
Shakespeare's Sonnets In all of his sonnets the speaker will be male and their motif will be that of Love. Although it is understood that the speaker is male Shakespeare leaves the speaker’s name or identity unclear to his readers. None of his sonnets will be titled. They are simply numbered.
Shakespearean Sonnet The Shakespearean Sonnet consists of 3, 4 lined units (quatrains) followed by a couplet (2 lined unit) Logical Organization In the first two quatrains Shakespeare will ask a question and give “tentative answers”. The third quatrain is known as the TURN due to the shift or change in the focus of the speaker’s remarks. The final answer will appear in the couplet at the end of the sonnet.
Shakespearean Sonnet The rhyme scheme of all Shakespearean sonnets is as follows: First quatrain: ABAB questions Second quatrain: CDCD questions Third quatrain: EFEF change “turn” Couplet: GG final answer