Wednesday 17th December
All Year Groups ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Thursday, 17 th September ARRANGEMENTS All pupils involved in this trip will have an early lunch starting at 11:30am. Pupils should go to the Fuel Zone to obtain their lunch or they can bring a packed lunch to eat there. Pupils may alternatively buy something from the shop at Gower Terrace but NO ONE should go over the bridge to Paisley Road West. At 12pm all pupils should be lined up in year groups in the Assembly Hall so they can be allocated to their buses. If anyone wishes to buy sweets or drinks, it is highly recommended that they purchase these from local shops as refreshments sold from the theatre are extremely expensive. Please note that school uniform MUST be worn.
All Year Groups
S5/6 ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Tomorrow All pupils who are involved in the panto trip must check that your names are on the list and report to the Drama Studio at Interval or lunch time today to collect your Consent Forms.
S4 ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Thursday 18 th December All pupils who are involved in the panto trip must check that your names are on the list and report to the Drama Studio at Interval or lunch time today to collect your Consent Forms.
S3 ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Thursday 18 th December All pupils who are involved in the panto trip must check that your names are on the list and report to the Drama Studio at Interval or lunch time today to collect your Consent Forms.
S2 Go4Set Science and Engineering Challenge Could all pupils who have indicated to Miss Blanning that they would like to take part in the challenge please attend a short meeting at Interval TODAY.
S2 ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Thursday 18 th December All pupils who are involved in the panto trip must check that your names are on the list and report to the Drama Studio at Interval or lunch time today to collect your Consent Forms.
S1 ‘Peter Pan’ King’s Theatre Thursday 18 th December All pupils who are involved in the panto trip must check that your names are on the list and report to the Drama Studio at Interval or lunch time today to collect your Consent Forms.