Workshop Stream III Governance of Protected Areas “New ways of working together” Jim Johnston Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend
Governance— what is it about? Who holds information? Who decides? How? Who has influence? Who exercises power? How are decision- makers held accountable? How do citizens or other stakeholders have their say? Power… Relationships… Accountability
U.N. Secretary General World Resources The WSSD Plan of Implementation Communities around the world...building upon Universal Declaration of Human Rights Rio Agenda 21 Convention on Biological Diversity UNESCO’s MAB programme Arhus Convention, Resolution ILO 159 from obscurity to fame…
Governance of protected areas system level or individual PA affects policy and practice, behaviour and meaning, investments and impacts.
affects achievement of conservation objectives (management effectiveness) determines sharing of costs and benefits (equity) influences ability to generate and sustain community,financial and political support (sustainability)
Stream focus “good governance” of PAs PA governance “types” –in light of history & global change –regional peculiarities –international mechanisms –customary and legal contexts –issues of scale –specific marine focus –community empowerment focus
Good governance Draw from the work of the United Nations and other bodies Review what it means for individual protected areas, for specific regional contexts Customary and legal perspectives, “rights” perspective Participatory governance evaluation! Good governance principles and possibly a charter?
Governance “Types” Who holds authority, responsibility and is held accountable? –A. Governments –B. Several actors and partners (Co- managed PAs) –C. Private and corporate owners (Private Protected Areas) –D. Indigenous and local communites (Community Conserved Areas) What are the lessons learned in these different governance experiences?
Day 1 – Thursday September 11 Keynote : why is governance such a hot topic? Overview panel: history, “good governance”, institutional change, governance “types” Governance exemplars: CCAs in India; indigenous conservation recognised as National Park in Colombia, collaborative management in Canada, land restitution in South Africa... Regional lessons learned in PA governance The international governance dimension The governance of the high seas Governance and customary law Pre-discussion of recommendations on indigenous peoples and PAs and on mobile peoples and conservation
Day 2 – Friday September Indigenous & local communities as conservation managers-- Community Conserved Areas & Co-managed Protected Areas 2.2 Mobile peoples and conservation 2.3 Transboundary protected areas 2.4 PAs managed by NGOs 2.5 PAs managed by private landowners 2.6 Globalisation and decentralisation– the legal frameworks 2.7 Governance of coastal and marine PAs 2.8 Fisheries and marine PA issues Discussion of CCA and CMPA recommendations
Day 3 – Saturday September Community Empowerment for Conservation-- Joint session with stream 1 and Innovative governance of large scale PA systems + continuing sessions on transboundary PAs and private PAs Synthesis workshop on “good governance” of PAs Synthesis workshop on PA governance “types” Synthesis workshop on communities, equity and PAs Synthesis workshop on governance in Durban Accord and Action Plan Synthesis workshop on governance in CBD and WCC 2004 Synthesis workshop on mobile peoples and conservation Final plenary: approval of 6 WPC recommendations
NSENDEMILA! an original theatre piece produced by the renowned SEKA Malambo Drama Group of Zambia, illustrating key PA governance issues from the perspective of a real African community And sometimes … ….the day ends dramatically! Thabani Theatre 11, 13 and 16 September 18:00-20:00
Special events Pre-WPC organising meeting on mobile peoples and conservation 6-7 September Short course on participatory governance evaluation September
12:30-14:00 room 3B book launching luncheons-- eleven new publications + special issues of journals (including Guinness nominee!) Every day:
Expected results : exchanges with peoples, exposure to case- materials and insights from all over the world, many new publications, short course… opportunity to help develop an inter-commission Task Force on Governance (CEESP/ CEL/ WCPA) currently being discussed Review issues, provide inspiration, tools and networking options
Synthesized policy statements on governance issues the Durban Accord and Action Plan and the report to the CBD will include provisions on governance, and especially on capacity building and participatory evaluation processes agreed principles on good governance for protected areas a governance typology— to be tested/ used as complementary to the IUCN category system two specific WPC recommendations on protected areas governance (no and 5.17) recommendations on Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas (5.24), Co-managed Protected Areas (5.25), Community Conserved Areas (5.26) and Mobile Peoples and Conservation (5.27) Expected results (cont’d) :
How can you participate? come to the workshops! (ROOM 3B and adjacent rooms) interactive space available + direct link with stream rapporteurs six participatory synthesis workshops on Satuday 13 subscribe to the participatory governance evaluation course ask questions about governance in your field trips! The stream Chairs, Speakers, Discussants and Rapporteurs are invited to meet tonight at a welcome cocktail at 18:30-20:30 at the Beach Hotel. Please come, and especially so if you have not yet met your panel chairs!
Many thanks to: Peter Abrams Janis Alcorn Bruce Amos Alejandro Argumedo Chuck Bezancon Charles Ehler Tamara Guhrs Taghi M. Farvar Ashish Kothari Jeff Langholz Tom Lee Andres Luque Juan Mayr Maldonado Claudio Maretti Aroha Mead Maryam Niamir Fuller Gonzalo Oviedo Jeanne Pagnan Diane Pansky Neema Pathak Arthur Paterson Maryam Rahmanian Trevor Sandwith John Scanlon Vivienne Solis Andrew Tilling Sarah Titchen Marie France Watson Webster Whande Wendy Weisman And see you in the governance stream!