Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation (IFESCCO) Minister of Culture of the Republic of Moldova
The presentation is prepared by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Moldova within the framework of the UNESCO / IFESCCO Pilot Project "Arts Education in the CIS Countries: Building Creative Capacities for the 21st Century“. Designed by Aliona Strimbeanu, Irina Azarov The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this presentation and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organisation.
The presentation is based on the analytical report “Arts Education in the Republic of Moldova: Building Creative Capacities for the 21st Century” that was drafted by Aliona Strîmbenau, Victoria Melnic, Ana Simac, Adrian Ghicov, Gheorghe Nicolaescu, Iustin Scarlat, Zoia Guţu,Ala Stinga. The report rests on the UNESCO’s “Road Map for Arts Education” adopted in Lisbon (2006) and Final Questionnaire on the Implementation of the Road Map for Arts Education. It was prepared in consultation with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.
The 21st century has marked a turning point in the evolution of arts education in the formal and informal sectors. In Europe the initiative to promote curricular and extracurricular arts education was launched by UNESCO by its Strategy for Arts Education and Guidelines of the “Road Map for Arts Education”. Arts education is a subsystem, which is a component of the national educational system of the Republic of Moldova. The structure of arts education in Republic of Moldova is structured by level and cycle, but also by specific contents in the area.
The stucture of art education in Republic of Moldova Formal arts education Informal arts education Continuous professional training Complementary education Basic arts education General education Post secondary vocational education University education Post graduate studies Cinemas Philharmonic Concert Organizations Theaters Cocert theater organizations Cultural organizations and recreational Public Associations Creative unions Museums Libraries Hoops Internet media Extracurricular educationand training
The Basic Arts Education General education Post secondary vocational education University education Post graduate studies Primary First tier secondary Second tier secondary Special Arts Profile Lyceums Special profile Colleges Academy of Music, Theatre and Plastic Arts, other university institutions. 3 specialized lyceums 5 colleges One university level educational institution 2 Faculty of Music Pedagogy The Faculty of Plastic Arts and Design Art specialization in private educational institutions
In the Republic of Moldova there 107 operating non-scholastic institutions of educatioin which include 1720 teachers and students. This institutions are subordinated to the local authorities of first and second level Number of pupils in non-scholastic Educational institution Number of teachers SITUATION OF IN NON-SCHOLASTIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
Children and youth from 0 to age 18/24 amount to about 38 percent of the population (Annual Statistical Report of Moldova, 2009). A number of 418 institutions operate in the Republic of Moldova, which aim at cultural-artistic education, according to their statutes: Creative centres; Music schools; Arts schools; Plastic arts schools; Public and children’s libraries; Community Cultural Centres/Homes; These provide services to a number of 241,800 children and young people, which is 20.6 percent of the total number of children/young people of age from 5 to 24. In Republic of Moldova is studying the following domain of arts: Art theatre Choreographic art Music Art Plastic Art Handing craft Literature Cinema
The national system of libraries comprise a number of 2,940 libraries A number of 17 theatres and musical institutions operate in the Republic of Moldova. Of them: 1 opera and ballet theatre 10 drama, comedy and musical theatres 3 theatres for children and youth 1 philharmonic 1 national palace 5 independent theatres Over the year of 2009 a number of 2,797 plays and concerts were presented to a number of 589 thousand spectators. The system of informal arts education of the Republic of Moldova comprises 89 museums. There are 1,800 artistic groups, 760 have the honorary title of “model” groups. Also, there are the cultural institutions comprise 137 operational amateur theatres, where 13 percent of the cultural institutions operate in the urban areas and 87 percent - in the rural ones.
Worsening life conditions and standards for most of the citizens of the country have had a negative impact on the demographic indicators of the population of the Republic of Moldova. Consequently, the school age population of the country is gradually decreasing. Thus, over school year a number of thousand children were enrolled in the primary and secondary school cycles, which is 4.7 percent less than in the previous school year. The total number of schoolchildren has decreased by 27.2 percent as compared to school year
In order to modernize arts education in the Republic of Moldova and taking into consideration the requirements of the “Road Map for Arts Education”, the following actions are necessary: Development of legal tools to support arts education Establishment of an institution for teaching staff training and development; Organization of training courses abroad for national staff and creating conditions for exchange of experience; Motivation and optimizing research in the area of arts education; Identification of sources of funds and other resources for providing the necessary arts education equipment to cultural institutions; Acquiring European experience and modernizing teaching methods; Introducing new forms in art education practices; Modernizing the technical and material assets.
Art values, to a greater degree than other values, stir up and educate the conscience specific to man and participate in changing and enhancing human spirit. For this reason, arts education may contribute in an essential manner to the humanizing of modern society and to enhancing its level of general culture.