Ingrid Thylin Director of Development at Campus Skellefteå Skellefteå Municipality, Region of Västerbotten
Distances: Stockholm 815 km Malmö 1336 km Umeå 136 km Luleå 134 km
Skellefteå Municipality City population: 35,200 Municipal population: 71,800 Area: 7217 km 2 (1,7 % of total area of Sweden) Population density 10,5 persons/km2
Facts about the municipality 1,500 lakes 5 large rivers that flow to the coast 360 km of coast Broadband services cover the whole area
Climate Winter, spring winter, spring, summer, autumn Average temperature January - 5°C Average temperature July 15°C Approximately 1800 hours of sun annually
The midnight sun
Midsummer June
Infrastructure AIR: Airport owned by the municipality SAS4 flights to/from Stockholm Skyways3 flights to/from Stockholm Holiday charter flights SEA: Deep sea port in Skelleftehamn with container handling services RAIL: Major trunk line North/South with passenger and freight services. Freight service to Port of Skellefteå. ROAD: Major European North/South highway (E4) crossing Skellefteå.Major road East/West connecting the region with Bodö/Norway.
Broadband Broadband services cover the whole region 70% of the households are connected to the network
Quality of life in Skellefteå Average family income in Skellefteå municipality 2009: € - Average price of houses (March 2010): € (average in Sweden €) - The lowest crime rate in Sweden Culture Major museums Theatre Symphony Orchestra Annual film festival Annual music festival Sports Sports arenas throughout the region Elite level team in ice hockey, football, floor bandy and teakwondo
History The city of Skellefteå was founded 1845 The forestry has been and still is of great importance Ore was found in 1924 in Boliden and gave birth to a new industry The first water power plant was founded in 1908
Skellefteå Church Town Built between 1830 and 1840 A temporary home for families who lived miles away and had to travel far to attend the Sunday masses at the city church.
Industry and Business Dominating industries Forestry and wood technology Mining and mining related industry ICT Metal manufacturing Tourism New an up-coming businesses Digital cross media
Education Elementary schools throughout the region Upper secondary schools in Skellefteå Multi-university campus in Skellefteå Low number of highly educated people compared to the average in Sweden (18% vs. 22%)
2 Universitys: Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology Qualified vocational training for adults Learning centre for distance education Approximately students Municipal adult education (upper secondary level) Swedish for immigrants
Study at Campus Skellefteå Computer network Computer technology Computer game development Computer graphics Stenographic and prop Wood technology Mobile systems Nursing Sociology Estate agent Entrepreneur Teacher
Research at Campus Skellefteå -Wood Science and Technology -Wood Physics -Wood Material Science - Mobile networking & programming language research - Electric Power -Health -History
Other facilities at Campus Library Sport hall (Campushallen) Restaurants/cafés Guidance and counselling Private companies
Venue – a place to meet Reception CV (centre for guidance) Distance education In-house training Service to the local companies Engine and catalyst Broaden the range of educations Facilitate distance education Make the Campus area attractive Agent of collaboration Education organisers Customers Organisations Politics
Visions Campus Skellefteå’s vision ” Skellefteå is known for it’s high quality educations, competent population and innovative industry that collaborate closely with the universities” The Municipality’s vision ” Skellefteå – a forward-thinking municipality of growth – attractive both to live and work in.”
UNICREDS – a tool to reach the vision Goal: a deeper understanding for the need of a knowledge driven economy by the public, the politicians and the companies in the area. A clear expression of these intensions in the local and regional policy documents.
UNICREDS Work Package 2 Regional development through partnership
Campus Skellefteå - the place to form partnerships
The multi-university Campus A modern hybrid of the learning environment concept “A campus where two or more distant educational institutions cooperate with each other and local development agencies to create new educational and training opportunities in a locality deprived of such opportunities“ (Prof Rex Taylor, Director of University of Glasgow’s operations on Crichton Campus, presentation på Campus Skellefteå 26 oktober 2005)
MUC – alternative backgrounds …the fastest way to establish education access with good quality? …a platform for creative meetings between university cultures? …an effective tool for differentiation of the regional education offerings
MUC problem areas MUC is very dependent on the universities A MUC has often more education than research A MUC can become expensive for the local region/city – their ambition can be bigger than the ambitions of the universities The local university representatives can have problems with handling vertical and horizontal relations simultaneously A MUC is hard to understand at first glance
MUC possibilities Very flexible through cooperation with different universities A way for regions without a university to offer good local education possibilities MUC is very scalable, can be expanded fast The connection between local/regional development and education offerings is strong Synergy effects between universities possible If one university leaves, another can be connected The MUC recruits mostly students that won't move to a big campus – and these students will often stay in the area after exam
Why not only learning centres? A Multi-university Campus …fills a bigger need …does often contain a learning centre …has also ordinary F2F classes and blended learning classes …has more of functions and infrastructure …can be said to be an overgrown learning centre, a learning centre XL
MUC – the recipe >1 regional university with decentralised F2F (face-to-face) classes Learning centre with support to flexible learning students Local R&D, development projects, mm Vocational and poly-technical education Science Park, Business labs & business start-up Local coordination organisation needed Local construction and ownership of buildings and infrastructure? Or is there an older useful infrastructure? = concentration of development factors in one place, a MUC – representing the direction towards the future?