STD: The Facts Lesson 4-2.


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Presentation transcript:

STD: The Facts Lesson 4-2

Objectives TSW summarize how common STDs are transmitted TSW summarize how to prevent or reduce the risk of common STDs TSW summarize symptoms of common STDs TSW summarize the problems associated with asymptomatic STDs TSW summarize the short- and long-term consequences of common STDs TSW explain the importance of seeking testing and treatment if a person is having symptoms of STD or has been at risk

Health Terms Abdominal Gonorrhea Protozoan Anal sex Hepatitis B Pubic lice Anus Herpes STD (sexually transmitted disease) Asymptomatic HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) Cervix Sterility Chancre HPV (human papillomavirus) Symptom Chlamydia Syphilis Chronic Jaundice Transmit Communicable Latex Trichomoniasis (trich) Discharge Oral sex Fatigue Pap test Vaginal sex Genital Pelvic Vulva Genital warts Prostate gland

Intro Transition Write a few sentences about a time when you had a cold, the flu or another communicable illness. How did your body feel? How did you know you were getting sick? Were you aware of how you caught the illness? Did you take any steps to keep from passing the illness to other people?

What is an STD? State An STD, or sexually transmitted disease, is an infection passed from one person to another through sexual intercourse. Some STDs can also be passed through skin-to-skin sexual contact. Many different STDs have been identified.

Teaching Steps Explain STD – not a single disease, variety of different infections Affects all people – straight, gay/lesbian, bisexual STDs are serious – cause physical, emotional and social health problems Survey Let’s see how many STDs you already know about. What are some of the STDs you have heard of before?

List of STDs

STD: Things to Know State These are the important things to know about any STD: How do you get it? How do you know if you have it? Can it be cured? Where can you get tested and treated? What can happen if you don’t get treated? How can you prevent it or lower your risk?

Teaching Steps Create You’re going to work in small groups to learn important information about some common STDs and make a poster to present what you’ve learned to others. Read the fact sheet in your group to learn what people should know about STDs, create your poster. Write the name of the STD at the top of your poster and be sure to include the answers to the 6 six questions.

Teaching Steps Ask and Discuss Thinking about the information you just learned about these different STDs, what facts were similar for all the STDs?

Teaching Steps Summarize All STDs passed thru having sexual intercourse with someone who has the STD (vaginal, oral, anal sex) Passed even if they look and feel healthy Can be tested at doctor’s office or clinic Any symptoms – GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! Can cause harm to unborn babies, health problems, damage reproductive organs Can be prevented by being ABSTINENT!!! Being monogamous (relationship with one person)

Teaching Steps Ask and Discuss What are some common symptoms of STDs for males? What are some common symptoms of STDs for females? What are some common symptoms of STDs for both males and females? What should a person do if he or she is having any of these symptoms?

Teaching Steps Summarize Symptoms – immediate or short-term consequences Women – discharge from vagina, pain in pelvic area, burning or itching around the vagina Men – drip or discharge from the penis Both – sores, bumps, blisters near genitals/anus/mouth, burning or pain when peeing, swelling or redness in infected area VERY IMPORTANT – go see a doctor or get tested Asymptomatic – symptoms are not showing

Teaching Steps Ask and Discuss Why is it a problem that some people with an STD don’t have symptoms? Summarize Problems – can be passed on without knowing it, not be able to have children, insanity

Teaching Steps Explain Latex condoms – forms a barrier so that body fluids are not exchanged Blocks bacteria and viruses from passing between partners Sexually Active – MUST use condoms correctly to reduce the chances of getting STDs and pregnancy Oral sex – most believe you can’t get an STD but you can

Teaching Steps Ask and Discuss Based on what you’ve read and learned in your groups, are there any STDs condoms may not work as well to help prevent? Summarize Condoms – effective reducing most types of STDS, must cover the skin where the virus is Herpes, HPV and syphilis – passed by genital or skin-to-skin touching

Teaching Steps Explain VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE A STD – GO GET TESTED… Survey Why do you think someone would avoid or put off getting tested for STD? What are some ways to deal with these barriers to get tested? Where are some places in our community where a person could go to get tested for STD?

Assessment and Closure Summarize Any symptoms – GO GET TESTED Some STDs don’t show symptoms (asymptomatic) Assessment NEW ASSIGNMENT – UNDERSTANDING STDs Red Workbook – page 16 and 17 Closure Today we learned more about STDs – another potential consequence of becoming sexually active. What’s one thing you learned that you didn’t know before?