Digital Librarianship Development & Evolution of a Graduate Course Dr. Peter Jacso Professor Department of Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii, USA CONSAL Conference March 28, 2006 Manila PowerPoint: Judit Tiszai
Independent, stand-alone course 8 th time (see courses)see courses Relatively high enrolment Some master students from other programs Some doctoral students from Comm, Inf, Pol 15-week regular or 3-week intensive, ~40 contact hours Jacso OVERVIEW
Digital Librarianship vs. Digital Libraries The librarians involvement Jacso SCOPE Resource Discovery Tools (advanced) Digital Resources (highest quality) Resource Creation (elementary)
Major components Digital contents ready ref sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs) large journal archives (ScienceDirect, Blackwell, ACM DL) OA repositories, e-books, e-nything CONTENT (see syllabus)see syllabus Jacso
CONTENT (see syllabus)see syllabus Major components Technology Tools and rules (protocols) for creation and cooperation Roles of publishers, libraries and other orgs Social, economic, management and legal issues Subject guides and directories Search, multi-search, meta-search engines, proxy search Interoperability, metadata, Xchange Jacso
Intertwined: discovery, resources, creation Students work in groups Evaluation of a mix of digital collections Instructors & former students model for evaluation Webliography on widely relevant topic Jacso DELIVERY (see schedule)see schedule
DELIVERY (see schedule)see schedule Jacso
Assignments Jacso
Articles from ProQuest & Ebsco UH digital journal archives Individuals preprint collections Conference paper archives Hot-linked recommended sites Digital notebooks Jacso DIGITAL READING & STUDY MATERIALS (see readings)see readings
Not enough time, new topics & services Frantic pace using non-traditional resources Splitting into basic and advanced? Channeling more topics to existing courses? Jacso ISSUES