ACE Audience Focus – Three Strands Strand 1: Understanding audiences - supporting the development of national approaches to collecting, sharing and applying audience data and intelligence, to enable funded organisations to gain practical insight into current and potential audiences. Strand 2: Collaborative action - supporting collaborative action, marketing and audience development activity to increase family and cross-generational attendance and participation in the arts. Strand 3: Best practice- supporting the implementation of national approaches, tools, resources and training to raise and maintain standards of best practice in marketing and audience development in order to increase attendance and participation.
our partnership
Basic Premise There is excellent work taking place in the arts sector in attracting family audiences but Good practice is not being shared nationally within art forms Good practice is not being shared between artforms The ‘family friendly welcome’ of presenting venues is highly variable There is limited appropriate high quality product available Potential family customers are being barraged with a range of messages from different sources. There is no one place to go to find appropriate information.
The response A large scale, national collaborative programme lead by the visual and performing arts sectors to increase levels of arts engagement by families and young people by:
Improving Quality of Experience Developing Quantity/ Range of Product Improving Marketing
Caveat The time given to submit the application was not enough to meaningfully consult with our Members Do not want to rush in like other previous schemes Many organisations already stretched by Olympics If successful, treat 2012 as planning year allowing us to engage in a dialogue with the sector. We bid for £1 million. On 27 February 2012 we heard the decision…
£1.1 million!
Local Family Arts Networks Family Arts Festival Family Arts Standards Badge Young-person led activities MAJOR INITIATIVES SUPPORT PROGRAMME Training & resources Family Arts Conferences Local Family Arts Networks Test Drive Programme
Family Arts Campaign Over 900 organisations participated in 2013 and 2014 Reached 1.2 million family members in 2 years 9 October – 1 November 2015 Any visual or performing arts event that appeals to an under 16 and over 16 attending or participating together
350 organisations signed up, including theatres, orchestras, galleries, dance companies, and museums. A commitment to providing an excellent welcome to families participating in arts activities Family Arts Campaign
Family Arts Campaign arts professionals attending Family Arts Conferences in 2013 and attended seminars, training sessions or networking events
23 Local Family Arts Networks At least six organisations across two art forms FAC provides support to enable local issues to be addressed locally Family Arts Campaign
Family Arts Campaign Resources, training and events Free Pricing, Content Guidance, Test Drive The Arts for Families, Evaluating Family Arts Events toolkits Free Developing Family Audiences screencasts
“It has definitely made us more aware of Family audiences and the things that we need to do to improve our offer to them, and also how we interact with them as customers when they visit our building. This includes not only ticket pricing and timings of performances, but also things like family facilities at the venue, including baby change and signage.” Sheffield Theatres Trust
“Being part of the family arts campaign as a whole has been very useful. As a building we are very family accessible, but we have looked at what we offer to make us more family friendly as well. We have now got a comprehensive children's menu in our café, and are extending our family based activities to each holiday, in addition to our core work” Theatre by the Lake
“It has made us focus on hard to reach audiences that can be approached strategically by the consortium of local organisations.” Quad, Derby
Family Arts Campaign Europe
Family engagementOther learning opportunities International artistic product development Family Arts conferences Family Arts Campaign Europe
Family Arts Campaign Europe International Conference & Showcase – March 2017 What is “family-friendly” across Europe?