Thickening Rate of SiO 2 半導體專題實驗期末報告 第十組 電機四 B 許恭銓 電機四 B 王彥翔
The diamond structure of Si 2
Planes that are concerned 3
Actual Photographs 100 110 111 4
Molecular arrangements 5
Molecular density (100): (110): (111): Thus here the molecular density is (110) > (100) > (111) 6
Si crystal orientation 7
Si crystal orientation (cont.) 8
Distance between layers (100): (110): (111): Hence the distance between two layers: (110) > (111) > (100) Thus if the oxidation rate on each plane, concerning the molecular density, is not the dominant factor, the rate of thickening the oxide should be fastest for plane (110). 9
Paper research “Journal of The Electrochemical Society” Silicon Orientation Effects in the Initial Regime of Wet Oxidation absServlet?prog=normal&id=JESOAN F &idtype=cvips&gifs =yes absServlet?prog=normal&id=JESOAN F &idtype=cvips&gifs =yes 10
Paper research Silicon Orientation Effects in the Initial Regime of Wet Oxidation J. Electrochem. Soc., Volume 149, Issue 8, pp. F98-F101 (August 2002) Julie L. Ngau, a Peter B. Griffin, b and James D. Plummer b Julie L. NgauPeter B. GriffinJames D. Plummer a Department of Materials Science and Engineering and b Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California
Paper research Atmospheric pressure, wet oxidation, ~785 degrees Celsius Initially, (110) > (111) > (100). Eventually, (111) > (110) > (100). 12
Paper research The upper figure depicts the overall information in the experiment. The lower figure shows the result of the first 150 minutes in the experiment. 13