1 Cal Standards Review Jeff Anderson NAVSEA 04RM34 (757) x May 2009
2 OBJECTIVE: The NAVSEA TMDE Program Calibration Standards Acquisition effort is to ensure: –Calibration capability in support of Fleet TMDE workload –Modernized calibration standards –Reduction of overall hardware footprint while increasing capability –Utilization commercial technology advances Establish “Benchmark” of processes to maximize calibration resources, support posture and acquisition.
3 Provide life-cycle engineering support for acquisition and in-service products –CAL STDs Allowancing –Engineering Investigations l Sustainment of current calibration capability l Calibration support issues –CAL STDs Replenishment l Recommendation for short term capability –CAL STDs Modernization l Recommendation for long term capability
5 Calibration Standards Allowancing l Background –Allows the NAVSEA logistics manager to plan calibration standards buys –Establishes hardware requirements of an activity to support Fleet Test Equipment workload. –Facilitates standardization of calibration standards l There is a requirement to reduce acquisition and logistic costs associated with General Purpose Test Equipment (GPETE) and the calibration standards that support them.
6 CALSTD SCAT Codes l Implemented 8000 Series Calibration Standard (CALSTD) SCAT codes l 8000 Series CALSTD SCAT codes are aligned with data from the Navy Calibration Equipment (NCE) Listing l Generic Category in the NCE will have a root 8000 series CALSTD SCAT code assigned to it. –For example, Accelerometer will be CALSTD SCAT code 8000 l Generic Categories Subcategory in the NCE will have a three character suffix applied to the root 8000 series CALSTD SCAT code. –For example, Accelerometer has a subcategory of Back to Back, Voltage Type. The CALSTD SCAT code for this subcategory will be
7 CALSTD SCAT Codes l All equipment listed in the NCE Subcategories that are of NAVSEA interest shall take on the Subcategories CALSTD SCAT code –For example, M/N 8076K5020 (58679) is listed as the STD for this Subcategory. This model will be assigned the Subcategories CALSTD SCAT code of l Since the CALSTD SCAT code is Subcategory based there shall be no issues with the possibility of a calibration facility incorrectly using the CALSTD SCAT code for substitutions
8 CALSTD SCAT Codes l CALSTD SCAT codes will be linked to NAVSEA Workstations –This linkage will be used to see if the calibration activity has the full suite of calibration standards required by the workstation. –It will also determine if the calibration activity has the prime calibration standard or a substitute in inventory l NAVSEA Workstations can be linked to workload and in turn to GPETE SCAT codes
9 New CALSAL Report l Updating to reflect new 8000 Series CALSTD Scat codes l Changing format to be easier to read and more in line with calibration standard terminology l Implemented suggestions from activities on sections to include
10 New CALSAL Report
11 New CALSAL Report
12 New CALSAL Report
13 New CALSAL Report
14 New CALSAL Report
15 New CALSAL Report
16 Calibration Standards Allowancing l There are three types of allowancing –Baseline l Created from calibration activities current calibration standards inventory –Initial l Determined after inventory review of baseline allowance document and workload assessment –Continued Maintenance l Maintaining of the data in both of the allowancing documents
17 l Once a baseline CALSAL has been finalized, calibration activities will need to request changes to their current CALSAL due to emergent and changing workload requirements. l SYSCOM “Pushed” standards will automatically be updated to your inventory. l All changes to the CALSAL must be in the form of a CALSAL Change Request (CR). l The CALSAL CR is available via the website. – CALSAL Change Request (CR)
18 CALSAL CR Model Add
19 l has been set up for all Calibration Standards questions: l The acquisition of new calibration standards must be approved by NAVSEA TMDE via for the purpose of model standardization and configuration management. l For any questions or concerns pertaining to the CALSAL or Calibration Standards please contact NAVSEA TMDE via
21 l Requirement –Perform preliminary analysis of measurement areas and/or specific areas having known issues l Justification –Existing issues could be resolved with existing capability and/or modification of current logistics l Resolve issues quickly l Cost savings l Upfront engineering can be applied to actual projects Engineering Investigations (EIs)
22 Engineering Investigations (EIs) EI Form Documents: Problem Recommendation(s) EI Report Contains: Executive Summary Background Findings Recommendation(s) EI Index
24 CAL STDs Requirements l Replenishment –Replace it as it breaks l Modernization –Long-term planning –New TMDE index requirements ACQ RQMTS = PULL RQMTS + PUSH RQMTS (Acquisition) (Replenishment) (Modernization)
26 CAL STDs Replenishment Replenishment is implemented by the following: –Calibration standard is available in the Standards Distribution Warehouse –The exact model is still procurable from the manufacturer –Input into the Standards Replenishment Process
27 CAL STDs Replenishment Need to develop an integrated Standards Replenishment Process: –Coordinated/Combined use of engineering at Depots for efficiency –Common process for selecting standards allows sharing of information and prevents duplicate engineering –Reduction of overall hardware footprint while keeping capability
28 CAL STDs Replenishment l Need to develop a scorecard for the evaluation of candidates to include: –Functionality –Supportability –Procurability
29 CAL STDs Replenishment l Functionality –Review and compare mfg specifications l Less and more capability both have issues –Is the replacement model a drop in replacement in ICPs?
30 CAL STDs Replenishment l Supportability –How will the replacement standard be supported? l Organic l Local l Manufacturer (CONUS) –Is there a need to procure additional standards to support?
31 CAL STDs Replenishment l Procurability –Are there active contracts that this can be procured under? –What are the procurement costs? –How long will the replacement model be supported by the manufacturer?
34 CAL STDs Modernization Process
35 CAL STDs Modernization l Proactive vs. Reactive –Long-term planning –Focus on workload requirements l Reduce CAL STDs Infrastructure –Delete redundant standards –Delete obsolete standards l Reduce Program Costs –Calibration –Maintenance –Procurement
36 l Increase Laboratory Capability –Move workload to lowest level l Increase Laboratory Efficiency –Standards with general capabilities l Modernize Calibration Program –Continued process improvement CAL STDs Modernization
37 l Modernization PUSH Requirements –Subject Matter Experts explore new technology –Develop high-interest list l Calibration laboratories l NAVSEA Cal Lab Mgrs input l TMDE technical agent input –Replacement Analysis Program l Systematic process for identifying candidates –Cal Hrs –Repair Hrs –Inventory –Equipment Age CAL STDs Modernization Process
38 l Modernization PULL Requirements –Workload becomes more accurate l ICP issues with 4:1 TAR –Complex or older methodology l CPRs requesting use of newer standards –Non-procurable standards l Calibration standards substitutions requests CAL STDs Modernization Process
40 Current Modernization Efforts Blackbody l Requirement –Modernize black body standards –Establish traceability –Support IR and AEGIS Thermometers l Justification –Most IR thermometers unsupported l Over 110 different models l Over 650 units l None listed in TMDE Index –Blackbody standard issues l Limited capability –Range –Accuracy –Size l Calibration & Traceability issues Black Body Standard
41 l Requirement –Identify NAVSEA liquid flow workload requirements –Evaluate use of Exact Flow Model EF3554-S by NAVSEA l Justification –Current methods used to support liquid flow workload is outdated l Does not provide accurate measurements depending on use conditions –New technology will provide increased capability, efficiency, and improve accuracy l Users –Shipyard Depot-level laboratories Current Modernization Efforts Flowmeter Indicator Flowmeter Indicator
42 Current Modernization Efforts Thread-View Calibration System l Requirement –Identify thread measurement standard workload –Evaluate the Johnson Thread-View calibration system –Modernize and deploy Thread-View l Justification –Current thread measurement support is outdated and inadequate l Existing measurement technology is 80+ yrs old –New technology will provide increased capability and efficiency l Users –Shipyard Depot-level laboratories Thread-View Calibration System
43 Current Modernization Efforts High Frequency Oscilloscope l Requirement –Evaluate Tektronix DSA8200 Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope with the Tektronix 80E03 Sampling Module l Ensure proper support of Fluke 9530 Active Heads –Establish organic NAVSEA support l Justification –Existing calibration support for Model 9530 is obsolete and no longer procurable l Users –Shipyard Depot-level laboratories 9530 Active Heads DSA8200
44 Current Modernization Efforts Microwave Measurement Receiver l Requirement –Investigate NAVSEA workload requirements –Evaluate Agilent N5531S l Justification –Microwave Standards ~20 years old technology –8902A no longer procurable –Failure rates increasing l Users –Shipyard Depot-level laboratories Agilent N5531S
46 CAL STD MODERNIZATION “We Have a Plan” 1.Utilize Analytical tools to indicate CAL STD “State of Health” 2.Program Office assessing theses leading indicators to prioritize CAL STD requirements 3.Prioritize Out year CAL STD requirements into Procurement Plan 4.Seek & incorporate input from NAVSEA community 5.Justify to NAVSEA Headquarters
47 Out Year Procurement Plan w/community input Repairs Part/Spares Service Life Inventories Procurable Other