Music In Education Daniel Isbell
The Mozart Effect
Music And Reading Early Phonics Lessons -The ABC Song -School House Rock (Conjunction Junction) -Educational Programming (Sesame Street)
Music And Reading Compare the text in this box with the musical notation beside it and notice the similarities. Both are read left to write and are composed in phrases.
Music And Reading Middle And High School Methods -Band students read and summarize music related articles, biographies, and books. -Song lyrics are incorporated into reading and poetry lessons.
Music And Mathematics
Exposure to fractions and fast paced computation. Schools with music programs post impressive gains in math scores. -A Washington Middle School required 6 th graders to participate in band. Math proficiency rose from 27% to 71% between 1999 and 2003.
Music And History
Many great historical figures were either musicians or patrons of musicians. Music from specific time periods can help students to understand the society better.
Music And History
Music can be used to teach both broad ideas and specific information to children. For older kids, period songs can be brought in to show how writers dealt with the issues of the time. (e.g. troubadours and bards, 60’s folk music)
Music And Achievement
Academic Growth -In a 1994 study of over 13,000 students it was found that about 22% were involved in music programs. On average these students scored almost 10% higher in reading, math, history, and science than their non-music peers. - More interesting in this study was that the score was consistent across race and socio-economic boundaries for the music students while the non-music students scores differed according to race and social status.
Music And Achievement Leadership - The same study also found that while the music students made up just over 22% of the group, they accounted for nearly 30% of academic award recipients, honor students, and elected officers.
Music And Achievement Attendance and Graduation -Studies in 2006 show that attendance rates for schools with quality music programs are much higher. (93% compared to 85%) - Many schools with music programs also feature much higher graduation rates. (90% compared to 73%)
Music And Achievement USA Today's 2006 Top 20 High School Students list included 12 students who participated in music and the arts.
Source List Henry, Tamara. “Study: Arts education has academic effect.” USA TODAY (May 20, 2002). Carter, Warrick L. “Arts a Fundamental Part of Education.” USA TODAY (May 25, 2006). Chabris, Christopher, Kenneth Steele. “Prelude or Requiem for the ‘Mozart Effect’?” Nature, Vol. 400 (August 26, 1999), Morrison, Steven J. “Music Students and Academic Growth.” Music Educators Journal, Vol. 81, Issue 2 (September 1994), Pierce, Mike. “A Model for Improving Reading Through Music Study in Band and Orchestra.” Reading Teacher, Vol. 53 Issue 8 (May 2000),