The Internet and Older Citizens European Congress on Gender and the Information Society Athens 5-6 May 2003 Dr. Susan ODonnell - Itech Research (Ireland)
EU: Internet use by age
Why policy intervention? Improve quality of life for older citizens Allow older citizens to contribute to a knowledge society and economy Improve access to Government services and information and democratic processes
Policy mechanisms NAPs-incl (National Action Plans against poverty and social exclusion) National Employment Action Plans in response to EU Employment Guidelines Other national, regional and local mechanisms
8 priority actions 1: Identify target groups for interventions 2: Motivate ICT engagement 3: Support online local and community content development 4: Ensure appropriate online Government services and info
8 priority actions 5: Ensure access to ICT and broadband 6: Ensure access to ICT learning and skills 7: Develop ICT capacity in community and voluntary organisations 8: Consolidate knowledge about an inclusive information society
1: ID target groups for policy intervention Older workers – full time/part time Retired people (mostly men) Home and caring duties (mostly women) Most vulnerable within these groups
2: Motivate ICT engagement Raise awareness of benefits of ICT Focus on a simple message Address confidence and trust issues Include learner supports in taster programmes Germany: Frauen ans Netz (Women to the Net) programme
3: Support online content development Solutions that meet needs of older citizens Engage older citizens through local consultations Fund seniors groups to develop content Expand awareness of local government Netmums project in UK
4: Appropriate online Government services and info Consult older citizens about service and info needs Raise awarenss of eInclusion in public sector Develop standardised, user-friendly interfaces (+ accessibility guidelines) Best online Government: Canada and Singapore
5: Ensure access to ICT and broadband Ensure affordable flat-rate home access Strengthen the outreach capacity of public Internet access points (ie libraries) Ensure value for broadband investment in schools/community learning centres Germany: Senior Info-Mobile
6: Ensure access to ICT learning and skills Prioritise ICT learning over ICT skills Recognise important role of community education Support formal education settings to train older citizens Consider certification and accreditation Greece: ICT skills training for older workers (in Employment Action Plan)
7: Increase ICT capacity in community and vol. orgs. Provide ICT advice and supports Develop ICT training for staff and volunteers Develop funding that the organisations can access directly Encourage partnerships for large projects Ireland: CAIT programme
8: Consolidate knowledge about an inclusive information society Raise the profile of research activities Disseminate and promote research Design useful solutions by understanding user needs Ensure standardisation of indicators Leverage community sector knowledge Finland Locality in the Global Net
Conclusions Coordinate policy approaches Ensure leadership Leverage support Share good practice across the EU
Thank you! Susan ODonnell