Positive Ageing Network Meeting Ophelia Project
Ophelia Project – Aim Deakin and Monash Universities were funded by the Australian Research Council in partnership with the then Victorian Department of Health and with a number of community agencies to test new interventions to address health literacy needs of eligible clients. The agencies in the project have included City of Greater Dandenong, Bayside City Council, the Royal District Nursing Service, Central Bayside Community Health, Bass Coast Community Heath, Ovens & King Community Health, Eastern and Barwon Health Services. This health literacy project aims to broadly define a person’s ability to seek, understand and use health information.
How it came about Health literacy within our local community identified as poor Ophelia selection was based on CGD’s large CALD community Council provides a range of direct care services to older people Programs assist older people to stay active and healthy Fits in with the Active Service Model
Who was involved Survey conducted with over 90 participants Target group are HACC eligible clients with mobility issues Clients who are hard to engage and motivate Planned Activity Group – Fitness staff Mentors from CWA trained to deliver 11 health messages
What made it work Change in PAG staff role to a facilitators role CWA mentors produced measurable outcomes with their one-on-one peer support Participants embraced the exercise and health information
Project outcomes Successful delivery of the health messages Participation of the clients in the exercises based on Making a Move program Confident delivery of health messages by the mentors Group confidence grew One on one peer support produced measurable outcomes Created an environment where success could be shared Subsequent client surveys indicated improvements in clients understanding and use of health information
Building on the success Arabic Women’s group, with CWA as mentors State Conference – CWA Staff attained new skills Future use of the 1-1 peer and mentor model