Considerable interest: State Government of Victoria, AHHA (peak body) and La Trobe University have indicated firm interest in leading organisation Firm interest to support the conference also anticipated from WHO Western Pacific Regional Office Victorian Health Promotion Foundation Australian Futures Project La Trobe University China Health Program (trains managers) Other universities – HP, PH, health care Cochrane PH and Consumer/Community groups
Member growth: 1. Build on existing HPH anchors in Asia – inc Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia… 2. Tailored program, and mobilisation of scholarships, to engage Pacific region 3. Showcase South American HPH landscape [to expand global reach]
Potential timing: Annual meeting of International Health Promotion Foundations (autonomous financing for HP in a number of countries)? Possible themes for Conference, HPH School and Melbourne Declaration: (1) Advancing understanding of complex systems to drive HPH politically and technically in all regions. (2) Global vision for HPH (3) HPH Futures. Catalyse the next wave of ideas/strategies/ people Staging features: IT to link in presenters from other regions as cost efficiency measure, to expand participation Launch possibilities: Virtual HPH study tour portal ready to launch?
Challenges: Realisation of actual financing commitments. Melbourne Conference Bureau has prepared a budget overview to indicate costs, as a basis for determining viability and costs to registrants. Viability anticipated with attendance of Timing – to maximise participation Consolidation of transition from Victorian model [knowledge network/ pro bono advisory service] to Australian Network using novel model for sustainability of financing and action Precarious policy environment for prevention and health promotion by health care services – important to legitimise HPH, evidence base
Strengths: Long established organisational activity – Emergent policy context – prevention Multiple drivers of HPH action, not just HPH! Multiple research, practice and policy strengths health literacy tobacco control migrant friendly and culturally competent HC (MF TF) women’s health promotion (WHV) children’s and adolescents’ rights in health care (TF) consumer engagement in health care multi-sector action on obesity, physical activity … salutogenic design (health care facilities) intimate partner violence detection and prevention healthy food services green healthcare (CAHA) etc