. The Life and Times Of a Tie
Here’s Justin in class at Yantis High School with his brand new Van Heusen tie. This is the item Justin began tracing through its global travels.
Justin is a senior at Yantis High School. There are 36 students in his graduating class. Yantis is a small community in the eastern part of Texas, approximately 60 miles east of Dallas, Texas.
The Van Heusen Store is located in the Vanity Fair Outlet Mall in Sulphur Springs, Texas, which is 20 miles from Yantis.
Humble Beginnings: Justin’s tie was purchased at the Van Heusen Store in the Vanity Fair Mall in Sulphur Springs, Texas.
Justin’s tie was then traced back to the Van Heusen’s Merchandising Operations, located at 1735 S. Santé Fe, Los Angeles, CA. Already in this young tie’s life it had travelled half way across the United States, 1,230 miles.
This is the port of Los Angeles, California USA.
Coming To America: The tie had arrived here, in a Los Angeles port to be taken to its distribution center. It had come here all the way from Zhengzhou, Zhejiang, China. The tie was part of the near 190,000,000 revenue tons of cargo annually moved through the LA Port.
The tie was shipped from the port at Shanghai, China
The boxed ties are loaded onto trucks and transported to the port at Shanghai.
Justin’s tie is bundled and packed for its overseas voyage from China to America.
MANUFACTURING Putting the final touches on at tie in….
MANUFACTURING Notice the tie shape coming together in…
LOOM WEAVING FABRIC Another step in production is the…
SPINNING The birth of Justin’s tie. It is in the process of….
The Tie was manufactured in a plant called Zhejian Vision Textile Co. at 18 Dacheng Road Zhengzhou, Zheijian, China, approximately four hours southwest of Shanghai. The Home of Justin’s Tie
Justin’s tie was one of many pieces of apparel imported by the USA from China each year.