European perspectives on digital inclusion: Research and policy Susan ODonnell, Models Research British-Irish Council Digital Inclusion Researchers Network 7&8 November 2002, Highlands College, Jersey
DG Information Society (DG INFSO) DG Employment and Social Affairs (DG EMPL) Other DGs also have a role Other European Institutions have a limited role Key players in digital inclusion in Europe
Small role in shaping information society policy overall Key role in e-Inclusion agenda Knowledge Society Unit; ESDIS group Have produced the ONLY policy to date on digital inclusion for the European Commission Role of DG Employment & Social Affairs
Main document produced by DG EMPL in Oct 2001 Covers policy recommendations for: Online content and services Fostering local communities Job opportunities for disadvantaged people A range of related issues EU eInclusion policy
Write the eEurope policy eEurope 2005 the core EU info society policy eInclusion is supposedly included in eEurope 2005 DG INFSO also responsible for IST research programme Role of DG Information Society
Minor but important part and will continue Almost all projects re disability and elderly Very difficult to get funding for other eInclusion issues A number of IST eInclusion projects in UK and Ireland eInclusion in the IST programme
VSIIS and KISEIS (studies) Models Research EUREAUWEB (Waterways) UC Cork, UK partner FLEXWORK (rural areas) Waterford IT, UK partner Some projects led by Ireland
SIGIS (women) U of Edinburgh, Irish partner ITACTI (visually impaired) De Montfort U MATS (special needs) Staffordshire U M-LEARNING (young adults) Learning and Skills Development Agency Some projects led by Scotland & Britain
6FP will only fund 1/10 the number in 5FP call for eInclusion in June 2003, deadline Oct 2003 could try to develop a proposal for our new network? will need support of our IST representatives in IRL, UK Possibilities under 6 th Framework IST
_society/library_en.htm key Commission policy documents on eInclusion: e-Inclusion, The Info Societys potential for social inclusion in Europe Information Society jobs – quality for change eEurope 2005 IST research: (searchable projects site) References
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