SLC Online Booking System Booking an interpreter Online Tutorial
Booking an interpreter online Now that you have registered your organisation and logged in you are now able to make a booking online. On the main home screen there will be a list of options on the left hand side. Click ‘New Booking – On site’.
Booking an interpreter online The first page you will see is our terms and conditions page. Here you must agree to the terms and conditions before you proceed further. This is done by ticking the appropriate box and clicking submit. The option ‘ I will be sending preparation material for the interpreter (s)’ can be clicked if you have any written materials to assist the interpreter in the booking; for example, an agenda for a meeting, a PowerPoint presentation that will be shown at a training session or a list of acronyms commonly used at your organisation. It is important that you read the relevant service agreement before you book. The service agreement will outline costs involved, our OHS policy which determines how many interpreters you will need to book, cancellation policy and other applicable information about our services.
Booking an interpreter online Now that you have agreed to the terms and conditions the booking form will appear on your screen. You will find that some of the fields have been auto filled. This information has been taken from your details in your registration. In the following slides we will talk about each field, what they mean and why they are important.
Booking an interpreter online Booking requested by: This indicates who filled out the booking form – so you will write your name here. Phone Number: This needs to be your number so that if we have any queries about your booking we can call to ask you about it. Number of interpreters needed: This is usually determined by the length of the booking. If you book for longer than 1 hour in most circumstances you will need 2 interpreters. Under 1 hour usually only requires 1 interpreter. Number of notetakers needed: If it is a notetaker you require, not an Auslan interpreter then fill this field out. ‘Please indicate if a second….”: If you already have another interpreter arranged to attend your booking and you are now seeking a second interpreter please tick the box provided.
Booking an interpreter online Preferred interpreters: If you or the deaf person you are booking for have a list of preferred interpreters you can list them on your booking form. Invoicing: We require this information to send you the invoice. If you have a particular person who should receive the invoice please provide their name in the ‘invoice attention’ box. Your Reference/police only reg no: Type a reference name, code or number into these fields and it will appear on your invoice. ‘Police only-reg. no’ should only be used on bookings made by Victoria Police.
Booking an interpreter online Contact person: This should be the name of the person that will be attending the booking with the deaf client. By supplying a phone number it allows the interpreter to call that person if lost or running late. The address you choose to supply will be the recipient of an automated confirming your booking. If you wish to put several address in here use a semicolon between each address. Date and Time of Booking: Click the small calendar icon on the right of the ‘Date of appointment” field. Here you can select the date of your booking. Click the arrow on the next to the month to scroll through to future months. Deaf Persons Details: it is very important for us to know the deaf persons name as the Deaf community is very small and at times there can be a conflict of interest between interpreters and deaf clients. EAF/UR number is in reference to an ‘Employment Assistance Funding’ number (a grant provided by the government for deaf employees), and a UR number is only used by hospital staff to reference patients. A TTY is a special phone that deaf people may use from home. This is not crucial information to include but is helpful.
Booking an interpreter online Number of People attending: Please include how many people will be involved in your booking, this includes the deaf client and any others that will be attending. Venue for Assignment: If the address is wrong or missing from the booking the interpreter will not know where to meet you. If your invoicing address and venue address are the same please make sure you enter them into both fields as the interpreter does not get sent your billing details in their confirmation; only the venue details. Parking: Do you have parking at the venue? Is there a staff car park the interpreter can park in? is there metered parking at the front of the building? This is not crucial information but it does help your interpreter. Details of your appointment: The information provided in these fields are extremely helpful for the interpreter and will assist the interpreter to do the best job they can do. Choose a job type from the drop down menu and give more info in the field to the right. An example of this may be; Meeting : Monthly staff meeting. Underneath those fields you can include more helpful information such as agenda items.
Booking an interpreter online This is an example of a complete booking form. When you fill out a booking form in detail it helps us find the most appropriate interpreter/s for your job. It also makes the process quicker and more efficient when we receive detailed bookings such as this example. If we are missing information on a booking we will call you, however providing complete information will eliminate the process of contacting you and will give us more time to work on finding you an interpreter.
Booking an interpreter online Once your booking form is complete make sure you press the submit button on the top right hand corner of the green strip. On clicking the submit button our system will take you to a new screen thanking you for the request in bold red writing. Please note, if you do not see this message in the bold red writing your booking has not been submitted and you should try to submit it again, if you exit the screen before receiving this confirmation your booking will be lost.