A is for Amish #1 Amish in some Iowa settlements milk goats and even sheep.#2 Amish have lived in Iowa over 160 years.
B is for black squirrel #1There are over 365 species of squirrels in seven different families. #2 the male takes twice as long to groom its self than the female does.
C is for cattle #1 Female cattle are cows, male cattle are bulls, and baby cattle are calves. #2 Cows are known to walk for miles to find their calves.
D is for deer #1 Deer can jump high and can swim like dogs.#2 Male deer grow new antlers each year.
E is for eastern gold finch #1 The eastern gold finch is a small bird about 4.5 inches long much like the sparrow. #2 Both the male an female birds develop an almost identical color after a complete molting during the fall.
F is for farming #1 Americans spend 27% of their life farming.#2 Farmers work so hard that that they can feed 144 other people each week.
G is for Geode #1 The geode became the official rock for Iowa in 1967.#2 Geodes are dull balls of igneous or sedimentary rock on the outside but contain crystals on the inside.
H is for Hunting #1 Less than 20% of the USA population hunts. #2 An average hunter spends $1638 on hunting supplies.
I is for Iowa Hawkeyes #1 Iowa did not lose to anybody in the top ten. #2 In 1985 the Iowa Hawkeyes lost only two games.
J is for Jamestown #1 The Jamestown settlement was charted in #2 Four hundred years ago the first perment British settlement in North America was established in Jamestown.
K is for Kate Shelly Bridge #1 The Kate Shelly Bridge is 2813 feet long and 190 feet high. #2 It took 3 years to build the Kate Shelly Bridge.
L is for Log cabin #1 Log cabins are made out of logs, straw, mud, bricks, and grass. #2 One advantage is that they are sturdy and a disadvantage is that they are really flammable.
M is for Mississippi River #1 The Mississippi River is less than three feet deep. #2 The Mississippi River drains 41% of continental USA.
N is for North Dakota Skunk #1 Skunks are cat sized animals. #2 Skunks usually nest in burrows made by other animals.
O is for oak Tree #1 A oak tree can drink up to 50 gallons of water each day.#2 oak trees can live up to 200 years.
P is for Pioneers #1 Pioneer women clean cook garden wash and loom clothing. #2 Men hunted farmed butchered made the house and sold the meat.
Q is for Quail #1 There are 130 types of quail. #2 Quails will eat berries seeds leaves roots and sometimes small insects.
R is for Ragbrai #1 Ragbari is an acronym for Register’s Annual great bike ride across Iowa.#2The length of the route is 472 miles
S is for Sod Houses #1 You need sod and wood to make a sod house.#2 One of the advantages is it is cool in the summer.
T is for Trapping #1 The most common animal caught in Iowa is the racoon.#2 The most commonly used trap in Iowa is the 2/20.
U is for Underground Railroad #1 The Underground railroad was a well organized system to help slaves escape for freedom.#2 From 1830 to 1860 the underground railroad transported more than people to saftey.
V is for Veterans #1 Veterans Monument is located in McClelland Iowa.#2 It is for all of the people who was in some kind of war.
W is for the Wild Rose #1 The Wild Rose was designated in 1897 as the state flower.#2 It was chosen for the honor because it was one of the decoration used on the silver service.
X is for Xavier High School #1 Xavier High School is the 6th biggest high school in Iowa.#2 It is located in clear rapids Iowa.
Y is for Yellow River State Park #1 There are two species of bears and eighteen species of fish there.#2 It is the worlds first national park.
Z is for Zearing #1 Zearing was first found on October #2 Zearing was named after Willam Zearing.