Пріоритет УПЮ
First Impressions Why so many questions and initials? How the heck will I find any of this information? How do these questions relate to planning process
Why is this Check-List useful? Guides your planning process Makes it clear that time has been spent on important and essential questions of health and safety Безпека Бюджет Програма Праця виховників
Finding information Where do you find the information being asked for? Government Officials (municipal, provincial, federal) Parks Staff Online Network of friends and family Going to the site
Приклад #1 Primitive Sites (Front country & Wilderness) Drinking Water All water on-site is treated for drinking Some water on-site is treated for drinking List locations: No potable water List treatment method(s) to be used:
Приклад #2 Emergency Medical Services 911 No 911PHONE NUMBER FOR AMBULANCE: NAMES AND LOCATIONS OF NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITIES (Distinguish appropriately where there are changes at different points during a trip): Closest Walk in Clinic Address: Phone: Hours: Closest Emergency Room: Address: Phone: Hours:
Приклад #3 Health & Medical Information Health/Medical forms collected, reviewed to ensure completeness and clarify any questions: Initials __________ Staff apprised of medical conditions and appropriate response: Service providers apprised of medical conditions and appropriate response: All trip supervisors aware of location of forms: Copies left with home contact person and/or organization contact:
Приклад #4 – Плавання Will there be swimming?If yes, describe the water safety plan including: What organization/entity is providing the lifeguard(s)? Name, Qualifications, Whether they are camper or staff member: Where will the participants and camp staff be swimming? How many participants and camp staff may be in the water at the same time? Are the boundaries of the swimming area marked? B y whom? What emergency equipment (flotation device, spinal board, etc.) is available? What are the emergency procedures for the location? What is the emergency communication plan? What roles will other supervisors such as group leaders take on? What orientation will be provided to these supervisors?
Приклад #5 Emergency Response Plan EMERGENCY CONTACTS TYPE OF EMERGENCY SERVICE AGENCYPHONE NUMBER Search and Rescue Medical Fire Police Park Warden
Приклад #6 Emergency Response Plan The attached emergency response plan includes a procedure if a group member becomes ill injured separated from the group behavioral incident other emergency occurs Emergency signaling devices carried on trips:
Приклад #7 Communications Plan Schedule of routine checking in: for out-trips from camp to the Plast Branch Method of communication: Person to be communicated with: in camp: in the Plast Branch: Contingency plan if check-in missed:
Staff Training & Orientation When/Is there a staff training and orientation scheduled? Describe the topics to be covered. Share information with everyone who has a responsibility for safety This is a good time to identify things you may not have thought of Makes it clear that the responsibility rests with a team, not just with one individual