Catherine Glatts Vice Principal Director of Technology Philadelphia, PA The only catholic, coeducational, vocational high school in the USA!
Administration support! Three years part of archdiocesan Powerful Learning Practices (PLP) MVHS Tech team used the tools we learned about in PLP Failed and tried again Big success with our Operation Katrina wikiOperation Katrina wiki Allowed us to share or service learning experience with all back home Continue to use this wiki to document and share 2/16/20122Mercy Vocational High School
Google school since 2007 Everyone gets an address Tech team responsible for training faculty and staff Students help 2/16/20123Mercy Vocational High School
Began this year with Acer netbooks Netbooks are being used in class! English for reading logs using Google Docs and forms (created by the teacher) Students complete four sections after two or three chapters: ▪ Summary Section, Vocabulary, ▪ Comment Stream, Comprehensive Questions students could earn five points for each section based on quality 2/16/20124Mercy Vocational High School
Many teachers now use Edmodo and Quizlet Easy to use and FREE Edmodo Allows your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices Parent logon available too Quizlet Flash cards and study game site 2/16/20125Mercy Vocational High School