Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools
“Small differences over time create a big difference! Improvement is achieved in inches, not giant leaps” John Maxwell
Building a community of life long learners, one student at a time.
All Rapid City Area School students will achieve to their full potential.
Governor’s Grants for Career & Technical Education CTE Awarded $2 million Pathways to College and Career Success RCAS, WDT & 17 BH area schools Expanded opportunities for dual credit
All Day Everyday Kindergarten Literacy-District Benchmark Assessments Phonemic Awareness: 79% - 86% Concepts About Print: 95% - 96% Letter Identification: 79% - 83% Writing: 79% - 83% The pool of students that entered 1 st Grade at low levels has decreased
Student Success Task Force (Core Group) *Review Current Programming and Staffing to help students engage in school *Determine what data is needed to review the effectiveness of the current efforts *Prepare a profile of students who find themselves in At-Risk situations and disengage in schools *Engage Community in efforts to establish the needed supports to keep students in school
Enrollment: 13, 811 Projected Enrollments: , , ,583
Five Year Capital Outlay Plan Elementary-Strategic Additions based up Building and Capacity Needs **Reviewing Forced Transfer and Elementary Enrollment Information Middle School-South Middle School Replacement High School-Stevens Renovation Activities-Sioux Park Field Upgrades
Teacher/Principal Effectiveness Pilot **Improve instruction and student learning **Encourage professional relationships **Use of multiple measures **Establish clear expectations (Danielson Framework) **Fair, Flexible and Research-based **Used to inform personnel decisions
Teacher/Principal Effectiveness Pilot Five Pilot Schools (SWMS-full pilot status) District-wide Planning to build capacity of all schools Coaching Session with ESA 7 representative -Overview of survey data -Summary of the Models -Assistance in completing Implementation Plan Submit by June 15, Implementation Plan to be approved by the DOE
KDD Media Relations Primary Goal: Keep the Public Informed **Press has legal right to visit our schools with restrictions **No legal right to disrupt student learning **No one is required to talk with media **District has right to ensure safety and privacy of students
KDD Media Relations **Guidelines cover the difference between Public Events and School Day **Nothing in policy/guidelines restricts expression of personal opinion **Superintendent or designee will represent the district position on all matters **Guidelines have been developed for the purpose of consistent application
Communication Task Force (25 members) *To increase public understanding and support for our students, teachers, programs and schools *To inform employees and stakeholders about our schools *To empower schools and school district staff *To improve internal and external communication within the district and community
Communication Task Force (25 members) Actions *Review Communication Plan *Create the elements of a new Communication Plan *Develop media tips for employees *Develop Sample News Release Forms *Develop a comprehensive Media List *Develop an Implementation Plan for School Board Policy KDD
Legislative Session Weekly Updates From: ASBSD, SASD, SDSSA, Large School Group and USA Group SASD/SDSSA Legislative Day 2/4/14 ASBSD Legislative Day 2/18/14 District Website RED-GREEN-YELLOW-BLUE
Legislative Session Common Core Bills-most have been defeated Review List of Current bills
“To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny.” --Alan Cohen