Programs of Study Cooperative Alliances
A Program of Study is a comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and CTE to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success
Incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education elements
Include academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses
Offer the opportunity, where appropriate, for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits, and
Lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree
National Programs of Study Institute
Creating a Common Language
Analysis of Stakeholder Interpretations of Programs of Study in Oklahoma
Individual Career Plan
Oklahoma Programs of Study Institute
Oklahoma Programs of Study Summit (February 12, 2013)
40.3% U.S.A. Those age with an associate degree or higher
12/36 The College Completion Agenda Australia Denmark
30.3% The College Completion Agenda Oklahoma
45th The College Completion Agenda Alaska New Mexico
Cooperative Alliance Program
21 “Today, we are officially launching our plan to significantly improve degree attainment in the state” Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma September 22, 2011
Complete College America enhanced efforts to audit and bring in line with the national norm all certificates awarded through the Cooperative Alliance Program with Oklahoma CareerTech
Associate in Applied Science Degree Workforce Degree
staying in Oklahoma 89% associate degree holders 82% bachelors degree holders 2008 Employment Outcomes Reports, OSRHE
5 year Oklahoma employment 79% associate applied science 69% associate arts/science 2008 Employment Outcomes Reports, OSRHE
high school $24,900 $6,600$31,500 associate $31,500 $9,100 $40,600 The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society 2007, College Board
Jeremy L Zweiacker State Programs of Study & College Transition Coordinator State Liaison, National Technical Honor Society Phone: Blog: