Owls Predators Of The Night
Vermont Owls We have seven different owls in Vermont. Snow owl visits but does not live here.
We will now listen to the Owl Sounds We will now listen to the different owl sounds. To hear sounds, click on Practice here.
Great Horned Owl “Who’s awake? Me, too”
“I-can-do-this-all-night-long” Northern Saw-whet Owl “I-can-do-this-all-night-long”
“Who cooks for you, who cooks for you all?” Barred Owl “Who cooks for you, who cooks for you all?”
Yipping like a small dog Long-eared Owl Yipping like a small dog “wooip”
Short-eared Owl “poo poo poo poo poo”
Descending horse whinny Eastern Screech Owl Descending horse whinny
Screaming or screech “csssssshhH” Barn owl Screaming or screech “csssssshhH”
What is the name of each owl? Great Horned Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl Eastern Screech Owl Long eared Owl Short eared Owl Now play the mixed up owl sounds on tape and have students try to identify which owl sound belongs to which owl. Great Horned Owl Long-eared owl Short-eared Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl Eastern Screech-Owl Barn Owl Barred Owl Barred Owl Barn Owl
What do you notice about their eyes? Click on screen for the answer. The eyes of the owl are in the front of the head and the eyes of the blue bird are on the side of the head.
Click screen to see answer Eye position Remember the saying: Eyes to the side---must run and hide Prey Eyes to the front---must hunt Predator Knowing this, is an owl a Predator or prey? Click screen to see answer Predator. Predator
Food Most food is eaten whole Fur, bone, and feathers are regurgitated as oblong pellets Show students the owl pellets that are on the ELF cart.
Owl Adaptations Head Ears Eyes Talons Wings Beaks
Head Head can turn 270* in either direction Flexible neck with 14 cervical vertebrae Give each student the owl skeleton diagram which is in folder from the Elf cart. Let students count the vertebra.
Eyes Eyes are large Top eyelid can be lowered Binocular vision Hold up owl skull (you can find it in the box on the cart) point out eye openings. Pass skull around for them to explore. Put eye diagram up for them to see and point out the different parts. Give each a hand out with the diagram of the skill.
Ears Dish shaped face funnels sound to ears Ears are just below and behind eyes Ears are lopsided for better hunting Have students find the ears on the skull and share their discoveries.
Beaks Hooked beaks for tearing food Upper and lower edges meet like shears Have students look at the beak on the skull.
Talons Talons covered in feathers Grow at same rate as worn down Talons get sharper as they grow Show students the owl talons from the box. Pass them around so students can examine them. Remind them to not bend the toes.
Wings Like a comb to minimize noise Virtually silent Velvety soft surface with fringes on the back Pass around the owl wing with the hawk wing. Ask students to notice the differences. Wave each wing for students to hear the difference in sounds they make.
Hands on activities Owl Ears Game Owl And Mouse Game Pellet Investigation Explain activities before starting each one. The two games can be done outside. Follow the directions in the ELF book for each game. Divide each pellet between 3 students. After all the bones are dissected out of the pellets, the students will be able to glue them onto a piece of paper.
The End We will now participate in the three fun activities I have for you, and then have a fun snack.
Bibliography http://www.owlpages.com/owls.php?genus=Bubo&species=virginianus http://www.vinsweb.org/education/elf/volunteers.html http://www.barnowls.com/attract.html