Snowy Owl By Marissa
Bird Birds have feathers. Birds have two legs. Birds have beaks. Birds have two wings.
Location (Where it lives) Snowy Owls live in the Arctic.
Habitat / Environment Where: Arctic Tundra Surroundings / Shelter: Snow, Trees Temperature: Cold
Food Snowy Owls eat rodents.
Predator- Prey Relationship A Snowy Owl is prey to the Lynx! Snowy Owls eat rodents. The snowy owl is predator to rodents.
Size / Looks Height: 27 inches Weight: 3.5 to 6.5 pounds Description: fluffy white
Interesting Fact Snowy Owls lay 3 to 11 eggs.
Interesting Fact An adult may eat more than 1,600 lemmings a year!
Interesting Fact Snowy Owls feathers blend in with the snow.
Interesting Fact Snowy Owls hunt for food in the day and night.
Interesting Fact Their favorite food is a lemming.