myLegion Direct Renewal District Revitalization 1 Joe Gallagher Get a copy of this
Pie Charts and Graphs Direct Renewal Schedule : Month-by-Month Membership Metrics Analyzing the Gap District Revitalization myLegion Membership Tools 2 Discussion Items
Report can be retrieved from myLegion - Departments - Reports Server Reports Depts -> Membership Department Membership Statistics 2016 Membership Year Statistics Roll-in September 1, 15 3 Pie Charts & Graphs
Sample Department Statistics
Renewal Drop Direct Mail #107-Jul-153-Jul-15 #225-Aug-152-Oct-15 #313-Oct-1516-Nov-15 #408-Dec-168-Jan-15 #509-Feb-1626-Feb-16 #612-Apr-1627-Apr Direct Renewal Schedule * Same Schedule as 2015*
Renewal 1 Renewal 2 Renewal 3 Renewal 4 Renewal 5 Renewal 6 PUFL and Dept Transmittals Only
All Departments Hit the 55% October Target 49 Departments Hit the 80% January Target Excludes New DMS & Encumbered DMS Renewals 2 Departments Hit the 100% May Target 49-to-2 HOW DO WE FILL THE GAP?
Who are the members “IN THE GAP” 2013 & 2014 = 299,000+ MOST DIFFICULT GROUP TO RENEW *does not include DMS (encumbered)
A SAMPLE STRATEGY TO “SHOOT THE GAP” Let’s say we’re In February – Department Membership Report shows District 99 Needs Assistance Would this be a good time for a Membership Drive/District Revitalization? YES! Think about launching multiple-contact methods at the same time Renewal#4 Just Hit the Streets ( & Direct Mail) LET’S PIGGY-BACK ON THAT! Send another to those in the selected area? SURE – THEY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Organize local leadership & members for a phone bank? YES!
Where do you get the Data? - Departments - “Find Members in my Area” - “DMS Eligible for Transfer” - “Members in Direct Renewal” - Districts - “Find Members in my Area” - “New Report Server Feature” - Retrieve Listings by Post (Excel) - Posts - “Find Members in my Area” - “New Report Server Feature” - Print 3 x 10 labels directly to your printer
Department - myLegion
Find Members Output Export to PDF, Excel, Word Send directly to printer (IE ONLY) Phone number Expansion &
Available Data Important Data - Snail mail address - Address - Telephone number append using Continuous Years - War Era Most popular contact methods - - **Telephone**
TELL THEM YOUR STORY : SAMPLE Greetings Fellow Legionnaire: We have received notification from your State Headquarters Post of The American Legion that you are eligible for transfer to a local Post. As the Commander of American Legion Post 999, I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us. We are a growing service oriented Post, and would be thrilled to count you as one of our members. I need you to join us, and be a part of what we do to help veterans and their families in Central Indiana. Some of what we do consists of participating in, and presenting colors at various events as well as educating students in the local schools on flag etiquette. We obtain temporary financial assistance for veterans’ families facing eviction or behind on utility payments, and assist with preparing and pushing claims with the Veterans Administration (VA).
Success Stories Very Active Programs – California, Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Colorado, Illinois, Tenn. Just to name a few Observation: – All Departments are working their HQ Members – IT WORKS! 16
New Label Feature for Posts
Print from PDF Set “Size Options” to print “Actual Size”
Report Server Available for Districts
Report Server Output Features Export to PDF, Excel, Word Send directly to printer (IE ONLY)
GOOD LUCK IN Get a copy of this