Relay For Life Philadelphia University Team Captain Meeting 2
7 Simple Fundraisers “Just Turn and Cough, Check Your Nuts” T- Shirt Cooking in Dorms…Cookbook Faculty Dress Down Day Sell Purple Ribbons Midnight Bake Sale Restaurant Night Raffle/Sale
“Just Turn and Cough, Check Your Nuts” T-Shirts 1. Research Existing Designs 2. Develop/Customize Your Own Design 3.Contact Shirt-Printing Company/Inquire through PhilaU Textile Department 4.Produce T-Shirts 5.Advertise T-Shirts 6.Sell in Kanbar/Community Service Office
Cooking in Dorms…Cookbook 1.Compile a list of Dorm-Friendly Recipes 1.Talk to Friends/ Friends/Talk to RA’s 2.Format Pages for Cookbook 3.Contact a Company/Book Distributor and ask for Donated/Discounted Printing 4.Take Orders for # of Prints Needed (collect names and $5 deposit) 5.Print Books 6.Sell Books for $10
Faculty Dress Down Day 1.Meet With Missy Stolfi (She did it last year) 2.Create Slips for Faculty To Fill Out 3.Advertise Event to Faculty 4.Charge $5 5.Faculty Dress Down and Wear Pinned on Ribbons for the Day
Sell Purple Ribbons 1.Purchase Purple Ribbons ½” and Safety Pins 2.Assemble Group of Helpers/Friends 3.Pin Ribbons into Loops With Safety Pins 4.Set up a Table in Kanbar 5.Sell Ribbons for 1$ 6.Explain to “Customers” What Ribbons Stand For (Possibly Attach an Informational Flyer/Event Cards)
Midnight Bake Sale 1.Get your team to bake. 2.Reserve a table in Hayward or become a mobile bake stand. 3.Go around the studio spaces that are open late (Hayward, Search, A&D, Smith House, Ravenhill Studios, Ceed Center) 4.Wear Purple! 5.Sell your baked goods! *Plastic Bags*
Restaurant Night 1.Contact Restaurants to Have them Donate a part of their nightly proceeds to Relay. 2.Offer to display their menus on Campus. 3.Create advertisements for the event. 4.Have your team stationed at the restaurant to set up information about Relay. 5.Write a Thank You letter.
Raffle/Sale 1.Find something to raffle/sell…(themed baskets, sports memorabilia, crafts, Relay bracelets/jewelry, Mardi Gras beads, win-a- date…) 2.Get Permission from Tim Butler to sell/raffle. 3.Reserve a table on campus *if you need a table, we have some reserved*s
Fundraise On Site for a Fun-Night! Baked goods Quarters for a cure Dedicate a Song Relay Games Hair Braiding Tailgating Station (Root Beer Pong) 50/50 Jail and Bail
Baked Goods 1.Contact a committee member to reserve a table at Relay. 2.Have your team bake goods or get them donated. 3.Come up with pricing information. 4.Create a schedule of when you will sell them/who will sell them. 5.Sell baked goods at Relay.
Quarters for a Cure 1.Advertise for Relayers to bring quarters. 2.Schedule a time to start the event. 3. Line the track with quarters and see if you can get all the way around. 4. Collect the quarters and donate proceeds to Relay.
Dedicate a Song 1.Collaborate the DJ at the beginning of Relay. 2.Have Relayers donate $x to have a song donated to a loved one. 3.Have the DJ play the song list at one set time or throughout the night. 4.Have the DJ announce who the song is dedicated to.
Relay Games 1.Organize a relay race or set of themed games. 2.Gather supplies. Talk to gym staff if you need anything. 3.Make sure you talk to Genevieve Douglass to have the 4.Charge participants $x to play. 5.Create a bracket/prizes
Hair Braiding 1.Find someone that can braid hair! This may be you! 2.Set up your station at Relay. 3.Think of ways to integrate Relay. Purple beads, purple hair dye… 4.Charge people for hair braiding services.
Tailgating Station ***Pending on Permission*** 1.Set up a table at Relay 2.Get solo cups (preferably purple) and Root Beer 3.Charge Teams of 2 or 3 to play root beer pong 4.Set up a bracket 5.Award the winner bragging rights.
50/50 1.Get Raffle Tickets (We may have some) 2.Choose a price per ticket (1 for 2 or 3 for 5 usually works) 3.Go around Relay and sell tickets during a time period. Have participants write their names and phone number on ticket. 4.Pick a time to draw the raffle (you can use the microphone or we can do it at the end of Relay). 5.Donate ½ to the Winner and ½ to Relay. (hopefully the winner will donate it to Relay)
1.Set up a jail location. 2.Advertise to have people pay $x to put someone in jail. 3.Once the person is in jail, someone else will have to pay for them to get out. 4.Do this throughout the night. Jail and Bait
Sign up your team by 3/3/2011 to have your team name on the T-Shirt. Send Survivor/Why I Relay/Any Relay Pics. To Awards at Relay: Campsite, Banner, Spirit Stick, On-Site Fundraiser Important Items