Brain blitz/ warm-up 10-3 𝟏 𝟏𝟎 x 𝟏 𝟏𝟎 x 𝟏 𝟏𝟎 𝟏 𝟏,𝟎𝟎𝟎 0.001 10-6 Name:________________________________________________________________________________Date:_____/_____/__________ Brain blitz/ warm-up Use repeated multiplication in order to write out the meaning of the below exponents: 83 = ____________________________________________ 8-3 =____________________________________________ 3. Fill-in-the-Chart: Evaluate: 4. 25 = _____ 5. 6-3 = _____ Negative exponents DO NOT make the base number negative!! Repeated Multiplication Fraction Answer Decimal 10-3 𝟏 𝟏𝟎 x 𝟏 𝟏𝟎 x 𝟏 𝟏𝟎 𝟏 𝟏,𝟎𝟎𝟎 0.001 10-6 Negative exponents DO NOT make the base number negative!!
(# of crackers on each side) Cheez-it SQUARE LAB NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________Date:_____/_____/__________ This is MY kind of lab . . . 4 un. Directions: Use “Cheez-It” crackers in order to build squares (as outlined in table). Assume that each cheez-it has a side-length of 1 unit. Then, fill-in the missing spaces: Reflection/ Discussion Questions: Study the third column of data (“Total # of Crackers”). What do these numbers represent for each square? ________________________________________________________________ Without building, how many crackers would it take to build square # 7?__________ What about square #12? __________ What would be the side-length of a square with 81 total crackers?____________ BONUS: Do you know the special name for the #’s in the last column? ____________________ Do you know the special name for the side-length #’s in the middle column? _____________ Square # Side-Length (# of crackers on each side) Total # of Crackers 1 1 un. 2 2 un. 3 3 un. 4 4 un. 5 5 un. 1 4 9 16 25 These numbers represent the area for each square. 49 144 9 un. perfect square #’s square roots
Exit Ticket - Square lab NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________Date:_____/_____/__________ Answer the following questions regarding the “Cheez-It Square Lab” (without looking at lab paper) : The total # of crackers used for each square represents the _______________ for that square. 2. How many crackers would be needed to build a square with a side- length of 8 un. ? __________ If we build a square using 100 total crackers, what would its side-length be? __________ 4. What is the special name for the side-length numbers? ____________________ Exit Ticket - Square lab NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________Date:_____/_____/__________ Answer the following questions regarding the “Cheez-It Square Lab” (without looking at lab paper): The total # of crackers used for each square represents the _______________ for that square. 2. How many crackers would be needed to build a square with a side- length of 8 un. ? __________ If we build a square using 100 total crackers, what would its side-length be? __________ 4. What is the special name for the side-length numbers? ____________________
Today’s lesson . . . What: Square numbers and Square roots Why: To examine the perfect square numbers up to 400 and to find the square root of both perfect and non-perfect square numbers.
This square represents which perfect square #?_______ This is also the __________ of the square. The square root of this square is _________ because it is a 4 x 4 square. The square root is the ____________ length of the square. 16 area 4 side
1² = _____ 2² = _____ 1 = 1 3² = _____ 4² = _____ 4 = 2 5² = _____ Perfect Squares Square Roots: 1² = _____ 2² = _____ 3² = _____ 4² = _____ 5² = _____ 6² = _____ 7² = _____ 8² = _____ 9² = _____ 10² = _____ 11² = _____ 12² = _____ 13² = _____ 14² = _____ 15² = _____ 16² = _____ 17² = _____ 18² = _____ 19² = _____ 20² = _____ 1 = 1 4 = 2 9 = 3 16 = 4 25 = 5 36 = 6 49 = 7 64 = 8 81 = 9 100 = 10 121 = 11 144 = 12 169 = 13 196 = 14 225 = 15 256 = 16 289 = 17 324 = 18 361 = 19 400 = 20
Perfect Square MEMORY Challenge!! Next class, you will have the opportunity to write the perfect square numbers up to 400. You will only have 3 minutes to do it, so the numbers MUST be memorized. Any student who CORRECTLY memorizes ALL of them will receive a reward (Hint: It will be “square” in shape . . .) Will YOU take the challenge??
is the __________ of the __________ length of the Remember . . . The PERFECT SQUARE # is the __________ of the square!!! AREA The SQUARE ROOT # represents the __________ length of the square!!! SIDE
Perfect square EXAMPLES: √64 = 2. √225 = 3. √ 36 = 4. √ 169 = 5. √ 400 = 6. √ 25 = 8 15 6 13 20 5
How do we find the square root of non-perfect square #’s?? We can ESTIMATE . . . Between which two consecutive whole numbers do the following #’s fall between? √22 lies between _____ and _____. √54 lies between _____ and _____. 3. √133 lies between _____ and _____. 4. √320 lies between _____ and _____. 4 5 7 8 11 12 17 18
IXL HOmework I.9 - Square Roots of Perfect Squares EARN a Smart Score of 70 (or higher)! DON’T FORGET TO LOG IN! (You won’t receive credit for doing your homework if you are not logged in!) TO LOG IN: CLICK on the IXL button on the Simpson Home Page (left side) Username: given to you by your teacher (Usually the initial of your first name, followed by full last name) Password: math7 (you will receive a personalized password soon) Once you are logged in, you can click on the links above to get to the skill(s) assigned for homework OR you can do the following: CLICK on MATH CLICK on 7th GRADE CLICK on the skill(s) assigned for homework EARN a Smart Score of 70 on the assigned skill(s), then you are done!
END OF LESSON The next slides are student copies of the notes for this lesson. These notes were handed out in class and filled-in as the lesson progressed.
(# of crackers on each side) Cheez-it SQUARE LAB NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________Date:_____/_____/__________ This is MY kind of lab . . . 4 un. Directions: Use “Cheez-It” crackers in order to build squares (as outlined in table). Assume that each cheez-it has a side-length of 1 unit. Then, fill-in the missing spaces: Reflection/ Discussion Questions: Study the third column of data (“Total # of Crackers”). What do these numbers represent for each square? ________________________________________________________________ Without building, how many crackers would it take to build square # 7?__________ What about square #12? __________ What would be the side-length of a square with 81 total crackers?____________ BONUS: Do you know the special name for the #’s in the last column? ____________________ Do you know the special name for the side-length #’s in the middle column? _____________ Square # Side-Length (# of crackers on each side) Total # of Crackers 1 1 un. 2 2 un. 3 3 un. 4 4 un. 5 5 un.
is the __________ of the __________ length of the Math -7 NOTES DATE: ______/_______/_______ What: Square numbers and square roots Why: To examine the perfect square numbers up to 400 and to find the square root of both perfect and non-perfect square numbers. NAME: This square represents which perfect square #?_______ This is also the __________ of the square. The square root of this square is ________because it is a 4 x 4 square. The square root is the ____________ length of the square. Perfect Squares Square Roots: 1² = _____ 2² = _____ 3² = _____ 4² = _____ 5² = _____ 6² = _____ 7² = _____ 8² = _____ 9² = _____ 10² = _____ 11² = _____ 12² = _____ 13² = _____ 14² = _____ 15² = _____ 16² = _____ 17² = _____ 18² = _____ 19² = _____ 20² = _____ 1 = 1 4 = 2 The PERFECT SQUARE # is the __________ of the square!!! The SQUARE ROOT # represents the __________ length of the square!!!
Perfect square EXAMPLES: Evaluate: √64 = 2. √225 = 3. √ 36 = 4. √ 169 = 5. √ 400 = 6. √ 25 = NON-PERFECT SQUARE # EXAMPLES: Between which two consecutive whole numbers do the following #’s fall between? √22 lies between _____ and _____. √54 lies between _____ and _____. 3. √133 lies between _____ and _____. 4. √320 lies between _____ and _____.
“Square Roots and Perfect Square Numbers” INDIVIDUAL practice NAME:________________________________________________________________________________DATE: _____/_____/__________ “Square Roots and Perfect Square Numbers” Find the square root of the following numbers: 1. = __________ 2. = __________ 3. = __________ 4 . = __________ 5. = __________ 6. = __________ 7. = __________ 8. = __________ 9. = __________ 10. = __________ 11. = __________ 12. = __________ Between which two consecutive WHOLE numbers do the following #’s fall between?: 13. lies between __________ and __________. 14. lies between __________ and __________. 15. lies between __________ and __________. 16. lies between __________ and __________. Short Answer: Draw a picture that models the following perfect square number: 9 Jerry is designing a square patio. The patio has an area of 98 square feet. About how long is each side of the patio (will be a decimal #)? What perfect square # does the square to the right represent? __________ What would its square root be ? __________
continued . . . . Shade the following grids in order to model square numbers and square roots. The first 2 are done for you . . . Side-length is 5 . . .