Library Research Skills Los Angeles Harbor College Tamar Khajadourian
Library Collection Books: 2 nd Floor- circulating, 2 weeks & 1 renewal Reference Sources: 1 st Floor- library use only Reserves: 1 st floor, Circulation Desk- 2 hr. checkout- library use only Periodicals: 2 nd Floor- reading room
Library Collection EBooks: 24/7- online access Databases: EBSCO, Gale, LexisNexis, … - online No Food or Drinks: (besides the 1 st floor entry lobby) Quiet Study Area: 2 nd floor, text for complaints
LAHC Library: Learning Resource Center Library Workshop Link 27/7 Librarian Chat Purdue OWL: EasyBib : Resources
Be Present
Exercise Working with a partner, write down one thing you researched in the past month: Research question: topic/subject of research Method: step by step breakdown of sources used Conclusion: answer to your research question
Common Research
Information Literacy WHAT: Analyzing and interpreting the topic HOW: Brainstorming before doing research WHERE: Evaluating sources and collected materials
Research Topic Genetically Modified Organisms GMOs
Types of Sources Primary: a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS: Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery, furniture, clothing, buildings
Types of Sources Secondary: interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them. PUBLICATIONS: Textbooks, magazine articles, histories, criticisms, commentaries, encyclopedias
Basic Search Advanced Search Call Number Copies Availability Location Other LACCD Colleges Library Catalog
Genetically Modified Food HD Industries, Land Use, Labor HV Social and Public Welfare RA Public Aspects of Medicine SB Plant Culture TP Chemical Technology TX Home Economics, Nutrition, Food & Food Supply Library of Congress Classification
Periodicals: Databases Academic Search Premier CQ Researcher EBSCO Host MasterFILE Premier MA S Ultra School Edition Newspaper Source Plus Professional Development Gale Virtual Reference
Searching Tips Advanced Search: exact search terms, language tools, file format, time period, numeric range, domain, website... Boolean Operators: AND (+), OR, NOT (-) AND & NOT: narrows search results OR: broadens search results GMO’s and California GMO’s not California Food and Genetically Modified Organisms or Genetically Engineered Crops Correct Spelling: Capitalize proper nouns; e.g., Spring will generate different results than spring.
Searching Tips Keyword Searching: list keywords and synonyms that describe your concepts and topics. Child, minor, infant… Phrase Searching: put quotation marks around phrases you want to see together; e.g., “higher education”. Prepare: maximize your time spent online, analyze your question to pinpoint concepts. Search More Than One: Use at least two sources for your research. Truncation: *?! allows you to search words with the same root, which in turn broadens search results; e.g., music* finds: musical, musician, musicians, and musicality.
Internet Search Engines
Searching Tips Domain = = = = = = international File type : specific type e.g., education : pdf Instructions : read the search engine and database instructions-- each search tool has its own set of tips for simple and advanced searching.
Evaluating Internet Sources AuthorityContent AffiliationAudience PurposeCurrency ObjectivityDesign