Progress on environment activities ETWG 25 March 2011
Funding strategy Adaptation Fund Launched in April 2010 No need co-financing Country can select through MIE or NIE approach Must create a post for GDNA Govt. official request letter needs for MIE Proposal dead line: 15 April, July and Dec Window org: UNDP, WFP, UNEP, IFAD, ADB and WB Average size of fund: 5-6 M$ per project GEF-5 Replenishment July Aug 2014 Allotted for Myanmar: M$ (CC 7.12, BD 6.72, LD 1.51) Need co-financing 50% (in cash or in kind) GEF focal person: NCEA Proposal dead line: flexible Window org: UNDP, FAO, UNEP, UNIDO, ADB, WB, Average size of fund: 2-3 M$ per project REDD+ Launched in Sep 2008 (Norway 83, Denmark and Spain= 110M$ in 2010) Pilot in Asia-pacific region (Vietnam, Indonesia, PNG) Myanmar is associate country (next step: partner country) Average size of fund: 4-6 M$ per project
Milestones on AF Oct 2010: Serious discussion with RBC and HQ team in BKK Dec 2010: Share information to FD and copy to FERD and IR Feb 2011: Minister for FD officially requested MIE approach through UNDP & wrote a letter to AF Board to appoint GDNA March 2011: AF Board accepted GDNA -March 2011: Discuss with ETWG members and formulate proposals with the technical assistance of RBC Dec 2011: Submit a proposal to AF board
Milestones on GEF-5 replenishment Aug2010: Advocate with donors on CCA and CCM through humanitarian partnership meetings Dec 2010: CC adaptation and mitigation national level workshop Feb 2011: A series of informal discussion with GEF focal person and line ministries March 2011: Discuss with ETWG members and formulate proposals with the technical assistance of RBC CC proposal submitted to Norway (2M $ for Inle Lake rehabilitation) Aug 2011: Submit proposals to GEF
Milestones on REDD+ April 2010: National level workshop held in NPT with the technical assistance of RBC P:articipate in regional level workshops: - July 2010: 2 people joined in indigenous right workshop at Vietnam -Nov 2010: 2 people joined in readiness component workshop at BKK - May 2010: 1 person will join in MRV workshop at BKK March 2011: Develop REDD+ readiness component and shared to RBC and Norway Embassy (additional requirement: partner mapping) National CF workshop recommends that UNDP take a lead for REDD+ Discuss with ETWG members and revised readiness components and develop partner mapping in April May 2011: REDD+ regional level workshop will schedule to be held in NPT with the technical assistance of RBC and UN REDD Vietnam programme -FD will fund 20,000 US$ for this important workshop -Representative from ASEAN countries, UNREDD programme countries, ITTO, Korea FD and FAO regional office will join July 2011: FD will apply as partner country and seek REDD funding through UNDP Myanmar
UN-REDD National Programme Development Process Scoping and Formulation Submission to Policy Board Revision and Finalizing Up to 6 months 3-6 months NPD signature Inception Report Approval of funds allocation Release of funds from MDTF HACT-based fund management Implementation 2+ years