Safety! Jessica Brown
What Is the Point of Having an Online Space? It needs to be Safe Clean And Efficient
What Parents Need to Check 1. What their child is looking at 2. What their child is being exposed to
What is the Greatest Risk? The greatest Risk of the internet is being denied access to it! Children need access to the internet for school, jobs, and the future! This means: find a better punishment than taking away the technology!
Solution for the Parents? Parents need to be invloved ! Create the perfect balance of online and offline activities Have an open door policy with your child to make sure they follow your rules! Set up security and parental controls
How do Parents do this? Have the talk with your child! Ask them to show you where they go online, how much time they spend online, and who their online friends are. The 3 C’s: –Content - what are they looking at –Contact - who are they contacting/ who is contacting them? – Cost - is anything they are doing costing you money?
Guidelines for Students Think before you click! Do not meet anyone you meet online in real life! Do not give ANYONE any personal information about yourself! STOP, BLOCK, AND TELL ! – This means, if you find something offensive online, or get a mean message, stop what you are doing, block the person who sent it, and tell an adult!
Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is using technology to target others. It is real! And it may be happening to your child! 85% of elementary aged children say they have been cyberbullied at least once!
Internet Safety Pledge Check each promise and sign your name at the bottom. Then put it by your computer so you’ll always remember how to stay cyber-safe! I PROMISE to Never to give out my name, address, phone number, school name, any adult’s credit card number to anyone online. Never to arrange a face-to-face meeting with anyone I meet online. Never to go into chat rooms unless my parents say it’s okay. Never to open s from someone I don’t know and never to go to links I don’t recognize. Always to tell an adult if I see anything online that makes me feel uncomfortable. X___________________________ ____ ______________ Name Date
For More Information Parent and Students Go to For a fun way to learn about internet safety, go to tersandinternet/onlinesafety/ tersandinternet/onlinesafety/