Screech Owl Release December 6, 2011 Deerfield Beach Middle
Learning about Screech Owls
Meet Yoda, adult Screech Owl
Yoda is the Ambassador Owl for Sawgrass Nature Center. She was raised by people and does not know how to hunt for her food.
Students pet Yoda.
Principal Flynn met Yoda.
Feeding the three babies before hanging the box. The rescued babies were fed in the box during their rehabilitation at Sawgrass Nature Center.
DBMS GREEN Team students built the Nesting Boxes for the owls.
The Owls should be hunting on their own in a few days. We hope they will stay on campus and nest in the box next year.
Hanging the box
Removing the towel from the opening The owls can explore and look for their own food. We will continue to feed them for three more days.
Just after the sun set behind the building, a little Screech Owl peeked out.
Welcome to DBMS
Visit this website to learn more about Screech Owls astern_Screech-Owl/lifehistory