Bookmarklets: Bookmarks With Power Michael Sauers, BCR Internet Librarian 2004 Monterey, CA
What is a bookmarklet? A bookmark (or favorite) that instead of containing a URL for a Web page, contains JavaScript to perform a function. A bookmark (or favorite) that instead of containing a URL for a Web page, contains JavaScript to perform a function.
How to get a bookmarklet Find the link, right-click, and select Add to bookmarks or Bookmark this link. Find the link, right-click, and select Add to bookmarks or Bookmark this link. Drag the link onto your links toolbar. Drag the link onto your links toolbar.
Bookmarklets Homepage
BlogThis! (Blogger) ery=blogthis&topic=&type=f ery=blogthis&topic=&type=f ery=blogthis&topic=&type=f
LibraryLookup rarylookup.html rarylookup.html rarylookup.html
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