Mid Term Review Homework Check – Glue-up – Turning – Band saw
Glue-up Answers
1.What 3 things should you check before you apply any glue? a.Dry fit each joint b.Check for square c.Check for flat
2.What 2 things should you check when you dry-assemble? a.Check dimensions b.No distortion
3.How should you spread the glue? Thin film on all mating surfaces Why? Ensure the greatest possible glued surface area
4.How long does it take yellow glue to cure? 2 hours at room temperature
5.How should you arrange the clamps? Arrange clamps above and below 6” apart
6.Which clamp should you tighten first? Start in the center
7.When should you stop applying pressure? When an even bead of glue along the top edge
8.What trick can you use to make your boards flush? Mallet and scrap wood C-clamp
Turning Answers
1.What is a blank? A square block of wood 1/8” wider than the widest diameter of the finished spindle
2.Why is it important to get the blank centered? You’ll remove a lot of extra material to get an even cylinder
3.What are the 3 steps to get the blank centered? a.Draw corner to corner lines on both ends b.Punch the two intersections with an awl c.Use the indent to line up the lathes drive center and tail center
4.How much should you tighten the tailstock? Enough that the piece won’t spin freely by hand
5.Where should you position the tool rest? 1/8” from the widest part of the blank
6.What are the 2 keys to success? a.Drop the tool into the cut b.Move with the legs and hips
Turn a cylinder in 2 steps 7.Step # 1: Start with a taper 8.Step # 2: Finish with a cylinder
9.A perfect cylinder actually starts as a series of… …gentle, overlapping tapers that eventually get evened out.
10.Where should you start your cut as a right handed person? Start cutting at the headstock always work from right to left
11.How should you position your body? Keep your arms and upper body fixed in the same position and generate side-to-side movement from your legs
12.What should you never do? Never stab the work piece with the gouge
13.How do you use a parting tool? Point the tool straight at the blank
Band Saw
What can you do with a bandsaw? Cut curves Rip / re-saw lumber Cross cut short pieces Cut irregular shapes
What are some common parts of a bandsaw? Pair of wheels Thin rotating blade Table motor
What are some common sizes of bandsaws? Bench top Floor model
What does the size of a bandsaw determine? The stock size
Where should the blade be positioned? In the center of the wheels
What is the purpose of the blade tension? Keeps the blade tracking properly
What happens if the blade tension is too high? Blade will break
Where should you set the guides? Back of the blade should barely touch the rear guide Blade should just touch bearing guides when lateral pressure is applied
Where should you not put your hands? On the cut line
Where should you keep your hands when you are cutting off a small piece of waste? Keep both hands on the main piece
How should you move the stock against the blade? Slowly, steadily and firmly
What will happen if you cut a radius smaller than the blade? The blade will bind and can jump off the wheel
What type of blades should you use to cut sharp curves in narrow stock? Narrower blades 1/8” - 1/4”
What type of blade should you use on hardwoods? Finer pitch blade