World Literature Week 3
Monday September 14, 2015 Complete the Sentence Structure Do Now 5 minutes!
Objectives SWBAT: Combine two related sentences using semicolons. SWBAT: Create sentences correctly using semicolons.
Turn and Talk How and when can we use a semicolon?
Why To combine two closely related independent clauses.
How Scenario 1: Between independent clauses that express similar ideas. Scenario 2: Before a conjunctive adverb that joins two related independent clauses.
Scenario 1 Between independent clauses that express similar ideas. Clause A: Michael seemed cranky. Clause B: He burned his foot the night before on his George Foreman grill. Answer: Michael seemed crank; he his foot the night before in his George Foreman grill.
Scenario 2 Before a conjunctive adverb that joins two related independent clauses. Clause A: Kevin lost his shoes. Clause B: Instead, he wore two Kleenex boxes on his feet. Answer: Kevin lost his shoes; instead, he wore two Kleenex boxes on his feet.
Practice Practice using semicolons on the handout.
Exit Ticket 3 minutes CWPA: 5 points
Homework Create 10 sentences that pertain to the short story, The Lesson, using semicolons. Highlight the semicolons. HW Grade: 10 points
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Silent Sustained Reading ( 20 minutes)
Strengths and Areas of Growth on Summer Homework Author’s Purpose Structure of Essay Gist of Grammar Usage Thesis Format Analysis Proofread Meaningful Evidence
Homework On your summer homework the areas that need editing are highlighted, circled or underlined. Using what you know about English Grammar and writing a well written essay, make the edits and submit a new typed draft by Friday. You must submit a HARDCOPY. You may earn up to ten extra points! Regardless of your grade, this assignment is not optional.
Objective SWBAT: Identify characteristics of strong thesis statements. SWBAT: Create a strong thesis statement.
Stop and Jot What is a thesis statement? Why is it used? Where is it placed in essay?
What is a thesis statement? 4 It is a complete sentence that expresses your position on a given topic. 4 It narrows down your topic to a specific focus of investigation. 4 It establishes a direction for the entire paper, especially if it consists of sub-parts. 4 It points forward to the conclusion. 4 It is always stated in your introduction.
What is not a thesis statement? 4 A thesis is never a question; it could be the answer to a question. 4 A thesis is not a statement of purpose. 4 A thesis is not simply a topic.
Characteristics Addresses the prompt clearly Makes a claim, or Presents an argument Is arguable (an opinion) In first paragraph of essay
1. …Discuss the social, political and economic effects of World War II on the United States. Option A Option B World War II was a costly war that had a major impact on the economy of the United States World War II not only affected the economy of the United States, but also altered the role of the American government and the American people forever.
Incorrect World War II was a costly war that had a major impact on the economy of the United States Option A Although this is meets all the criteria for a thesis statement, it only addresses part of the writing prompt. Remember, the statement tells the reader what to expect. With this as a thesis, one would only expect to read about the economic effects.
Correct Again!!!! Option B World War II not only affected the economy of the United States, but also altered the role of the American government and the American people forever. This is correct because it addresses the social, economic and political effects as stated in the prompt. Notice that the words people (social) and government (political) were used in this statement. This makes the sentence more original and shows the reader that you know what “social” and “political” refer to.
2. … Describe three physical features of Latin America and their importance to the region. Option A Option B The Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and Yucatan Peninsula are the three most significant physical features in Latin America. Three physical features found in Latin America are the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and the Yucatan Peninsula.
Correct! The Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and Yucatan Peninsula are the three most significant physical features in Latin America. Option A This statement gives an argument, it presents the three physical features asked for in the prompt, and makes reference to the importance (significance)
Almost! But not quite. Option B Three physical features found in Latin America are the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River and the Yucatan Peninsula, which are all vital to the region. This is a topic sentence. The reason it is not a good thesis is because it does not present an argument or address the whole prompt. It is a factual statement. To make it a strong thesis, you must add to it.
3. Discuss the effect of climate and the vegetation on Sub-Saharan Africa. Be sure to discuss the factors contributing to climate, and the impact human activity has on the vegetation. Option A Option B Even though the climate and vegetation of Sub-Saharan Africa varies as a result of latitude and human activity, they are still the two most important factors in determining the quality of life. Human activity is altering the the vegetation of Sub- Saharan Africa and causing desertification, which will have devastating effects on the people of the region.
This one is tricky! Option A Human activity is altering the the vegetation of Sub- Saharan Africa and causing desertification, which will have devastating effects on the people of the region. This one would be perfect for a thesis, there is only one thing wrong with it. It does not address all of the writing prompt. It only addresses the vegetation, but not the climate or the factors for climate.
Correct! Option B This statement gives an argument, and address all aspects of the writing prompt (topic, effect, factors). Notice how you do not have to go into detail, just give the reader a hint of what you will write about. Even though the climate and vegetation of Sub-Saharan Africa varies as a result of latitude and human activity, they are still the two most important factors in the quality of life.
4. In South Asia, globalization has played a big role in the developing economies of the region. Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization in one South Asian country. Option A Option B Globalization in India has offered solutions to poverty for some and created more severe poverty for others. In India, globalization has meant new jobs for India’s emerging middle class.
You are ready to write! Option A There is an opinion (it has offered solutions, it has created more severe poverty). It addresses the positive (solutions) and negative (poverty) effects. Globalization in India has offered solutions to poverty for some and created more severe poverty for others.
Practice. You will get there. Option B In India, globalization has meant new jobs for India’s emerging middle class. Again, this would be a perfect thesis statement, if the prompt only asked for the effects of globalization. The prompt, however, specifies positive and negative effects. This is only positive.
Your Turn!! You will know apply what you learned by writing your own thesis statement to a writing prompt. When creating your thesis, ask yourself a few questions
Did I address all parts of the prompt?
Can I argue against this statement?
Will I address all this in my essay?
Is it grammatically correct?
Is it clear and understandable?
More Practice Use the handouts to critique and develop strong thesis statements.
Exit Ticket Create a thesis statement to one of the following prompt: 1. Write an essay explaining what makes a great leader. 2. Write an essay explaining the importance of being able to see a situation from another person's point of view. 3. Write an essay explaining why it is important to forgive.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Complete the Grammar Handout
Objectives SWBAT: Defend statements by making judgments on information or validity of ideas.
Four Corners 1. Men and women have equal power. 2. The society/media constructs how I perceive beauty. 3. Beauty is superficial. 4. Beauty is related to success. 5. Beauty is better than wealth.
Claim #1 Men and women have equal power.
Claim #2 The society/media constructs how I perceive beauty.
Claim #3 Beauty is superficial.
Claim #4 Beauty is related to success.
Claim #5 Beauty is better than wealth.
Reflection Write a 1 page reflection on the 4 Corners Activity. Use 3 compound complex sentences and 2 compound sentences. Highlight them and label the parts of sentences. (IC, DC, FB, Comma, etc.)
Homework Read and annotate Barbie Q by Sandra Cisneros. If necessary, finish reflection.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 SSR (15) minutes
Objectives SWBAT: evaluate the central idea of Barbie Q by Sandra Cisneros by making inferences and drawing conclusions from the text.
Close Read As I read and annotate, follow my lead.
In your Groups Share out your ideas that you have written. On a poster, create a list of the key points or ideas your group expressed in your writing.
Gallery Walk Read the ideas posted by other groups, respond by placing your comment on a sticky note. Remember to not simply agree/disagree, but to challenge one another ideas with questions.
Homework Study for Mastery Quiz on semicolons! Correction draft of Summer Homework is due tomorrow!
Friday, September 18, 2015 Clear your desk, take out a pencil. MQ: 10 points!
Objectives SWBAT: Compile a list of photos and/or images that distinguish between what the society view as beauty, masculine, or feminine versus what they believe is beauty, masculine, or feminine.
Ted Talk As we watch the Ted Talk, jot down 2-3 things that you find interesting.
Group Project This week we have been talking about gender and beauty. Using pictures from the magazines, create a poster that represents what you define as beauty, masculine, or feminine (gender) on the opposing side paste pics of what the society define as beauty, masculine, or feminine. We will present!
Homework Imagine that Ms. Moore, Sylvia, and the rest of the characters were living in today. How might the story be different? What might be some concerns or “lessons” that Ms. Moore would want to teach the children. Would Sylvia be the same? What would you change? How might Ms. Moore present to the kids themes of beauty and gender that Cisneros presents in her short story, Barbie Q? Include 3 complex sentences and label its parts!