Downriver Community Conference & Downriver Mutual Aid Budget Presentation Downriver Community Conference & Downriver Mutual Aid Budget Presentation Prepared by: Kimberly Donahey
Overview Budget = Budget = $21,659,624 DCC: Decrease of $2,191,731 – –Decrease in ARRA funding – –Decrease in regular funding DMA: Increase of $1,946,793 – –Additional COPS grants – –Forfeitures – –911 surcharges
Highlights Central Funds to retain positive balance Central Funds to retain positive balance Continue to work with the Creative Montessori Academy on sale of building (partial) Continue to work with the Creative Montessori Academy on sale of building (partial) Focus on job placement – no training money available Focus on job placement – no training money available Continue to be aggressive with grant applications Continue to be aggressive with grant applications
The Building Fund Year Increase in fund balance of $738,507 Increase in fund balance of $738,507 –Sale of the building Changes in occupancy/rent Changes in occupancy/rent –Tenant decrease –DCC decrease due to funding cuts Capital Improvements Capital Improvements –Roof –Parking lot –Boiler system –Windows
Employment & Training Employment & Training Broken down into three main departments and one support department Broken down into three main departments and one support department Workforce Investment Act Dept. (WIA) Workforce Investment Act Dept. (WIA) Employment Services Dept. Employment Services Dept. Welfare Reform - Jobs, Education and Training Dept. (JET) Welfare Reform - Jobs, Education and Training Dept. (JET) Support: Education Department Support: Education Department Reduction of approx. $896,411 next year Reduction of approx. $896,411 next year –Focus shift from training to job placement –Overall decrease of WIA funding—ARRA & Adult –RES Center pilot program ending ($408,911) –Disability Navigator Program absorbed into ES program –JET funding – not available
Transportation Decrease of $15,513 Decrease of $15,513 Continue partnership with The Senior Alliance and SMART Continue partnership with The Senior Alliance and SMART Continue to run the Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) grant and New Freedom grant Continue to run the Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) grant and New Freedom grant
Weatherization Reduction of funding of $1,289,412 Reduction of funding of $1,289,412 Continue to run ARRA Weatherization until March 31, 2012 Continue to run ARRA Weatherization until March 31, 2012 DCC was just awarded $1 million for Energy Assistance DCC was just awarded $1 million for Energy Assistance –This will assist approx. 965 area residents with heating bills
Economic Development Decrease in funding by $628,000 Decrease in funding by $628,000 –RLF I grant ending September 30th Continue to complete EPA grants Continue to complete EPA grants –Assessment –Revolving Loan Fund II –ARRA Petro grant PTAC program and 504(b) loan program will operate the same as last year PTAC program and 504(b) loan program will operate the same as last year
Downriver Mutual Aid
Police Membership dues total $63,850 Membership dues total $63,850 Operations to run the same Operations to run the same SWAT Team applied for a Bearcat vehicle through WCHS SWAT Team applied for a Bearcat vehicle through WCHS Crash Team looking to purchase vehicle Crash Team looking to purchase vehicle Police teams consist of: Police teams consist of: –SWAT –Crisis Negotiations –Crime unit –Crash Team
Fire Membership dues $73,202 Membership dues $73,202 Fire Budget to continue paying Accumed fees Fire Budget to continue paying Accumed fees Hired a part time Logistics Officer to maintain equipment and inventory Hired a part time Logistics Officer to maintain equipment and inventory Fire Teams consist of: Fire Teams consist of: –Downriver Emergency Response Team (DERT) –Dive Team –Fire Investigation Task Force (FITF)
DRANO (Downriver Area Narcotics Organization) Membership dues $115,600 Membership dues $115,600 –Supports one FT position and operating costs Changes with forfeitures Changes with forfeitures –Chief forfeitures will now go to MSP –Overtime costs will go to MSP –DMA forfeitures will remain within DRANO for future operating costs Reduction of officers from communities so forfeitures are expected to decline in future years Reduction of officers from communities so forfeitures are expected to decline in future years –DRANO now has three participating communities (down from 12 members to 3)
COPS Grants Community Oriented Policing Services Community Oriented Policing Services COPS VI: Each community has been allocated $19,050 COPS VI: Each community has been allocated $19,050 COPS VII: Work in progress COPS VII: Work in progress –E-lights, answering position software COPS 2010 Microwave Project ($200,000) COPS 2010 Microwave Project ($200,000) COPS 2010 Technology ($650,000) COPS 2010 Technology ($650,000)
E-911 Revenue to remain the same over the next year Revenue to remain the same over the next year Maintenance fees – increased Maintenance fees – increased –COPS grants pays for as available Loan paid off in November 2010 Loan paid off in November 2010 RFP has been posted as of August 24, 2011 to replace 800 MHz system RFP has been posted as of August 24, 2011 to replace 800 MHz system –Tentative Board approval set for December 2011
The End!!! If you should have any questions regarding the budgets or programs, please do not hesitate to contact the DCC. Questions: Kimberly Donahey DCC Website: Thank you for your time.
Membership Dues DCC Dues Each community pays $4,750 Each community pays $4,750 Helps provide match for services provided to the communities Helps provide match for services provided to the communities Pays for expenses to write proposals that are not covered by grants Pays for expenses to write proposals that are not covered by grants Insurance Insurance Outreach Outreach Collaborative agreements Collaborative agreements DMA Dues Dues are based on population according the US Census Dues are based on population according the US Census Supports the activities of the Police, Fire and DRANO Teams Supports the activities of the Police, Fire and DRANO Teams Equipment, maintenance, communication costs, specialized training and supplies Equipment, maintenance, communication costs, specialized training and supplies