Welcome To Woodland
School Allergies
Harvest Run The annual Harvest Run will be SOON weather permitting. If you are participating in this event and haven’t paid the registration, please send it along on.
Walk for Breakfast Our Walk for Breakfast will be held on Thursday, Oct. 17 th. Students will leave at 9:30 a.m., weather permitting, and walk down the Pumphouse Road and back. Please sign the permission slip and return on Wednesday.
School Photos Mr. Tony Higdon, One Stop Photo, will be at the school on October 24 th to take school photos for grades K-3; and October 25 th for grades 4-6.
Fall Scholastic Book Fair Our Fall Book Fair will be held from Monday-Friday (Oct. 21 st -25 th ). It will begin with ‘Family Night’ on Monday, Oct. 21 st
Professional Development Day School will be shut down for PD on: Wednesday, October 23 rd
Kinderstart Our next kinderstart session will be held on Friday, November 1 st. Therefore, there will be NO kindergarten classes on this date.
Gotcha For showing respect for learning and the Environment.
Breakfast Program Our breakfast program will run for 5 days per week: Monday (Grab and Go) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (Grab and Go)
Breakfast Program Fundraiser School music CD for sale, $15. All money go to the breakfast program at Woodland.
Chartwell News We are back for another year with various healthy food choices. Sorry, no microwave service available.
Mondays – After School Sports (4-6) Cross Country – Most Days, Weather Pending at Lunch Time.