National Reports An Example Roel Lanting (TNO)
What was the question? National indicators and frameworks Indicators with national acceptance Other indicators (e.g. local) Ongoing national research and results
Problem What is an indicator (set)? When is it construction related? Should we make distinction between indicators according to their use?
What is an indicator Simplified way of expressing a phenomenon Understandable for non-experts (means of communication) Measurable (objective) Repeatable
Construction related indicators Built environment Decision making in building processes
Use Context Design (optimisation, solution oriented) Assessment (evaluation, improvement) Monitoring (changes, bench marking) Process quality (interaction between stakeholders, management performance) Common language
Levels National (wide scope, less construction related, mostly monitoring, bench marking) Urban (built environment, people, economic stability, mostly design and assessment) Building (environment, LCA based tools) Materials (environment, LCA based tools)
Indicator sets used in NL
Sustainability Urban Level 3 basic elements and 10 theme’s Sustainability PlanetPeopleProfit - Environment global local - Health - Nuisance - Safety - Perception - National - Local - Future value Environmental quality Social quality Economic stability - Facilities
Sustainability Planet PeopleProfit Environment Social Economic stability Global Local Perception Usability Future value Land use Energy Raw materials Emissions Emissions, Health Safety, Nuisance, Image Accessability, Facilities/Services Capacity to change Indicators Profile Land Energy Materials Emissions Perception Usability Future value Health Local employment Base elements Theme’s Issues
Dutch Approach Environment: indicators based on LCA ball park figures Social: indicators based on number of people affected, distances, (surface) area, quality classifications Economic: indicator based on local employment, flexibility/capacity to change
Situation before restructuring 3 districts
Comparison Present Situation and Planned Situation