BELARUSIAN STATE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY R E P OR T A B O U T R E S E A R C H W O R K 2.5. Define necessary data set for monitoring and tracking the dynamic of changes in the landscape Scientific adviser task Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Sylvulae and Soil Science Nikalai I. Yakimov Rapporteur Pavel V. Tupik
There were performed eight tasks: Develop indicators for monitoring of vegetation Develop indicators for monitoring of hydrological conditions Develop indicators for monitoring of the land balance Develop indicators for monitoring of animals Develop indicators for monitoring of agrarian landscape Develop indicators for monitoring of the infrastructure development Develop indicators for monitoring of the population Develop indicators for monitoring of tourism
Basic results on each task are shown below Develop indicators for monitoring of vegetation Monitoring is recommended to make on the principles of bio-indication. To do this, need to create several sites of "Model Forest", an area of 5-6 ha in woodlands on the catchment area of the Neman River. At these sites for ecological controls apply phytoindication, zoological and microbiological indication.
2.5.2 Develop indicators for monitoring of hydrological conditions Here is recommended to use: 1) Indicators of anthropogenic load on the Neman River Basin; 2) Groundwater status by physical, chemical, biological indicators; 3) The quality of surface water by physical, chemical, and biological indicators; 4) The state of rivers (channel geometry, sediment, vegetation and fluvial organic residues, etc.)
2.5.3 Develop indicators for monitoring of the land balance Recommended to use the ratio of the areas of anthropogenically transformed land and land constituting natural frame. To anthropogenically transformed land should include: the residential areas, roads, railways, canals, agricultural land, pastures, etc. The lands of the natural framework should include: forest lands, grasslands, lakes, natural ponds, streams, rivers, wetlands, land with low economic using, etc.
2.5.4 Develop indicators for monitoring of animals Here is recommended to use the number of species that are very responsive to human influence - it woodpeckers, owls, capercaillie. Status indicators of wetland ecosystems can serve as the number of snipe, spotted eagle, corncrake, godwit. The presence of these species within indicates its stability.
2.5.5 Develop indicators for monitoring of agrarian landscape For monitoring of agrarian landscape is recommended to use the following indicators: 1) Extent and condition of the road network; 2) Application Ecological Agriculture; 3) The quality of drinking water and its reserves; 4) Content in local foods nitrates, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes; 5) Data of radioactivity; 6) Number of cattle, pig, poultry farms; 7) Clean of atmospheric air of agrolandscape; 8) Area of honey plants, the development of beekeeping farms.
2.5.6 Develop indicators for monitoring of the infrastructure development Monitoring is recommended to make in two directions is a production infrastructure and social infrastructure. Production infrastructure reflect the economic development of the region and social infrastructure reflects the quality of life of the population of this region. Total developed 36 indicators for different industries, such as economics, engineering infrastructure, transport infrastructure, education, culture, health, sports and tourism.
2.5.7 Develop indicators for monitoring of the population To monitor the population is recommended to use the indicators in such directions as: 1) Demographic characteristics of the population; 2) Labor resources of the population; 3) Levels of public health; 4) Living Standard of Population; 5) Characteristics the industrial production; 6) Living conditions of population; 7) Rural population; 8) Organization of recreation and tourism development
2.5.8 Develop indicators for monitoring of tourism It is recommended to use: Economic indicators - income from tourism activities. Environmental indicators - state of natural complexes, air condition, water quality. Social indicators - image and reputation of the territory, the availability of tourist information about the area, ease of movement on the territory, media attention to the area, activities of the district administration in the direction of tourism development, investor activity.
So as a result completed tasks developed a set of indicators of the landscape, which will monitor the change in the components of the landscape due to human activities and possible climate change. That concludes my report. Thanks for your attention.