Current status of EHES Kari Kuulasmaa EHES meeting Luxembourg, 2 March 2011
2 March 2011EHES meeting Sources of population health information Registries Can provide useful information on mortality and morbidity Questionnaire surveys Self-reported data on health, diseases, their determinants and health-care use in the entire population Health examination surveys Objective information on health, diseases (diagnosed and undiagnosed) and their determinants in the population
2 March 2011EHES meeting History of HESs in Europe Finland Sweden Norway Netherlands West Germany Germany UK - England UK - Scotland Ireland Poland Denmark Romania Spain Croatia France Czech Republic Italy
2 March 2011EHES meeting European Health Examination Survey (EHES) To provide info on health behaviour, health determinants, prevalence of diseases, met and unmet need for health services, functional limitations and nutritional status For planning and evaluation of health policies and health care, and for research Complementary to EHIS
2 March 2011EHES meeting Target population Entire country Permanent residents, including institutionalized persons Core age group: years Can extend to 18+ Sample size 4000 per country
2 March 2011EHES meeting Conclusions from feasibility study in 2008 EHES is feasible Jointly standardized national HESs Planned and conducted nationally Primarily national funding Joint coordination and standardization Funded by EU Close collaboration with EU, WHO, OECD etc. Action should be taken urgently
2 March 2011EHES meeting European standardization High quality of the measurements Training of the measurers Standardized measurement protocols Quality control Comparable results within country between population groups Comparable results between countries Reliable time trends
2 March 2011EHES meeting Setting up EHES Phase I Setting up EHES RC EHES Manual and national HES manuals Training programme Planning and preparing national HES, including a pilot survey in 13 countries Phase II Full-size HES in 13 pilot countries Planning and preparing national HES in rest of the European countries Development to a sustainable HES system Funding from DG Sanco
2 March 2011EHES meeting EHES Reference Centre (EHES RC) Set up in August 2009 by: National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS), Italy Statistics Norway (SSB) Funded by EUs Health Programme through a Tender
2 March 2011EHES meeting Preparing for a HES in 13 countries Planning Preparation Fieldwork pilot Support from a Joint Action of EUs Health Programme All will be (technically) ready to start a full-size HES by early 2012
2 March 2011EHES meeting Pilot countries
2 March 2011EHES meeting Summary of activities in the first year European guidelines for planning a HES completed European fieldwork standards being finalized Two training seminars Planning (23 countries) Measurement procedures (16 countries) 4 full-size HESs ongoing 5 others have completed pilot HES 8 site visits conducted
2 March 2011EHES meeting 2nd Training Seminar
2 March 2011EHES meeting To be completed within a year Testing of data transfer and reporting Evaluation of the pilot surveys Manuals for all EEA countries Seminar on national adaptations Final seminar
2 March 2011EHES meeting Future of EHES The train is now moving – important to keep the momentum Possibly funding from FP7 for To complete the 1 st full round of EHES Possibly 2 nd round for the first countries Funding for open
2 March 2011EHES meeting What can/should we do now Motivate countries to EHES Objective of this meeting Keep EHES RC and the Commission aware of your national plans and position This will facilitate realistic planning and justification of funding in the Commission