Chemical Waste What is considered waste Old chemicals no longer used Expired chemicals Chemicals with illegible labels - chemical can not be determined Chemicals with no label Any chemical product from completed experiments
Satellite Waste Accumulation Site Requirements Every laboratory or department handling chemical waste must have a Satellite Accumulation Area and must abide by EPA Regulations The area must be identified The waste must be in suitable containers The waste must be labeled with no abbreviations Wastes must be segregated and placed in compatible containers All containers must be closed, funnels must be removed, caps must be closed tightly The waste must be picked up within three days of the container being dated full, or 55 gallons is accumulated
Satellite Waste Accumulation Site The area must be designated with a sign and tape Compatible secondary containment must be used
Hazardous Waste Containers The container must be compatible with the waste being handled Empty chemical containers can be reused for waste The original label must be defaced or removed The container must be triple rinsed before the addition of any hazardous waste A hazardous waste label must be applied and all information provided
Hazardous Waste Containers Containers must be kept closed at all times Funnels can not stay in the container Caps must be on tight The containers must be in good condition No rust, corrosion, leaking containers, or containers with residue
Hazardous Waste Labeling All containers must be labeled with: “Hazardous Waste” Name of chemical or chemical mixture and percent by volume added The hazards associated with the waste Corrosive, Carcinogen, Flammable, Irritant, Oxidizer, Toxic, or Other-list the hazard Example Mutagen, Tetatrogen The date the container is filled
Hazardous Waste Labeling THIS LABEL IS FOR HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL WASTE ONLY Generator (lab) location:_______________________________________ Chemical(s) % by Vol. ______________________________________ ____________________ Full Date:________________ EHS Pickup Date:_________________ EHS Initials:______________ HAZARD:_______________________________ Waste Labels are available free from the EHS department Call x4078 to obtain labels
Hazardous Waste Pick-Up Waste must be removed from the satellite accumulation waste site within 3 days of the container being full When the container is full the date must be put on the label Contact EHS up to 2 days before the container is full and no later then the day the container becomes full by faxing (x3665) or emailing the Chemical Disposal Request Form Forms can be downloaded from the EHS Webpage Click on Chemical Waste Disposal
Drain Disposal The following chemicals cannot go down the drain Acids with a pH lower then 5.5 Bases with a pH higher then 9.5 No radioactivity without prior approval No flammables No heavy metals No grease or oil Any other chemical that is considered hazardous Please contact EHS at x4078 before disposal concerning questions